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Ferrari al salone di Detroit


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Ferrari wins Eyes on Design award

FXX prototype singled out by jury at Detroit Auto Show

(ANSA) - Detroit, January 11 - The Ferrari FXX has won the Eyes on Design Award at the North American International Automobile Show here for being the best example of function design .

The FXX was chosen by a jury of 17 leading designers including Chris Bangle, director of BMW's style center, Harley Davidson's style chief William Davidson and Shiro Nakamura, head of design at Nissan .

According to the panel, the FXX "best expresses the functionality of design as a means to reach the objective for which the car was developed" .

The FXX, which Ferrari considers the most technologically advanced GT car ever to emerge from Maranello, is a prototype reserved for only 29 of Ferrari's top clients .

Ferrari said the FXX will be used exclusively on track as part of a specific ongoing research and development program which for the first time will involve Client Test Drivers. At present there are no plans to develop the FXX for road use and racing activities .

According to Ferrari, the FXX will provide the basic framework on which future extreme models will be developed. It is powered by an imposing 6262cc V12 engine which can deliver 800 hp at 8500 rpm .

The FXX's gearbox is the based on Formula 1 technology and the car is in fact almost as fast as the race cars .

The car's aerodynamic design allows for a 40% increase in downforce compared to the already impressive Enzo Ferrari Model, the company said .

Ferrari will organise a series of 14 track events for FXX owners at international-level circuits over the coming two years in Europe, North America and Japan, including the Ferrari World Finals. On hand at these events will be an official team of Ferrari technicians to provide any assistance and support to the Client Test Drivers. The Eyes on Design event benefits the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology (DIO), a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1972 .

The awards program is an extension of the Eyes on Design Auto Exhibit organized each year by the DIO to celebrate the world of automotive design .

It is also DIO's primary source of revenues for the research, education and support group programs which enhance the independence of the visually impaired .


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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Cielo, fà schifo anche davanti.

Ma chi è il genio che autorizza certe cose?

Non puoi tener duro sul regime di produzione più basso della domanda per mantenere il marchio esclusivo e poi buttare lì certe idee malsane, proprio sul modello più chic della gamma.

Si rischia di rovinare tutto.

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QUanto è brutta quella scaglietti e aggiungo anche l'hostess :)

molto USA.......entrambe... ;)

Devi vendergli quello che piace a loro ;)

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Non volendo portare la 599 a Detroit (palcoscenico naturale per quella Ferrari) evidentemente hanno deciso di sacrificare la Scaglietti pur di avere qualcosa da mostrare al salone...

Già la 456 nei suoi ultimi anni di vita aveva una personalizzazione bi-colore denominata "scaglietti", ma era una cosa molto più sobria di queste.

Non credo che vedremo mai in listino una 612 Scaglietti "momo design".... :D:D:D


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