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Citroën C-Triomphè C4 Sedan


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Dongfeng Citroen B53 names triumph.

Sources disclosed that Citroen B53 has been named as "kaixuan", which means triumph , a term originated from the famous Triumphal Arch in Paris. From now on, all Citroen`s new models entering Chinese market will take French Culture as background of car naming.

Kaxuan has been declared to related government department and in the process of auditing. At the same time, Dongfeng Citroen begun to produce B53 from the fourth season of last year. Dongfeng Peugot Citroen Automotive Co. Ltd has two brands, Dongfeng Citroen and Dongfeng Peugeot. Dongfeng Peugeot will follow the worldwide naming system when introduced new models, while Dongfeng Citroen will use localized name instead of its world name system with the initial letter "C".


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