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Re: Toyota Aygo for Sports


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Della serie, come tirare insieme una concept car in tre giorni perchè ti sei accorto che non avevi niente da portare.


Bè c'è chi porta auto arlecchino perchè nemmeno vuole spendere soldi per prototipi un pò della panda da spiaggia che hanno regalato al berlusca questa estate.

Niente da qualche novità mi sembra ce l'abbia sia a livello di modelli che di prototipi basterebbe informarsi...

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

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simpatica l'idea di proporla così, ma concordo con quanto dice regazzoni e poi se sarà prodotta una versione sportiva costerà un sacco di soldi, visti i prezzi base dell'aygo...xciò sarà un'auto del tutto inutile...


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Open-top Aygo for Sports designed for fun and freedom

Two-seater with twin arched rails, but no roof

Radical use of interior trim materials, including teak and Neoprene

17-inch wheels and LED light clusters

Aygo has brought a welcome breath of fresh air to the city car market. Now the wild Aygo for Sports concept version, created specially for Geneva, shows how those on board can enjoy a blast of healthy ozone and blaze a trail to the beach.

Off comes the roof and out come the rear seats to create an open-top machine that’s focused on fun. In place of the roof, Aygo for Sports has a pair of elegant but strong side hoops that curve over the car like a twin tribute to the new Wembley Arch. Massive 17-inch rims shod with 205/45 R17 tyres and LED light clusters add to the look-at-me styling, together with a special bright Ocean Blue paint finish. Inside, the sculpted seats are finished in light blue Neoprene with beige leather inserts, with matching Neoprene detailing on the steering wheel. And to emphasise this Aygo’s beach party credentials, the floor is covered in teak in the best tradition of classic speedboats.





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