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The 8C is a truly Italian expression of a sexy two-seater built for the wider world. It is as exhilarating as we hoped and not just due to the drive experience. Whether the 8C is painted lighter 8C Red (10 percent of orders), darker Competition Red (65 percent), black (15 percent), or Racing Yellow (just six cars ordered thus), the 8C is a funk-era sex-a-machine. This has turned out to be Alfa’s finest calling card possible for re-entering the North American market especially, and, though not an ideal strategy overall, with the humble resources Alfa has at its disposal we agree that this is the best foot forward.

winding road

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

  • 3 settimane fa...


...non riesco davvero a capire la necessità di metterle i cerchi RS4 style..... :roll:

Lo so, l'ho già detto, ma mi ripeto: sono belli, bellissimi, ma non sono i SUOI cerchi.


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