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Riporto questo stralcio, pare che la prossima 8c sfrutti la base della california...

Few cars have had the runaway success and widespread recognition of the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione while being so limited in sales volume. The mechanical underpinnings of the current model are sourced from Maserati, so there was nothing truly groundbreaking in its capability, but the striking design stirred the motoring public in a way many other cars with considerably more horsepower have failed to do. Now Alfa is working to convince Ferrari to let it borrow the California platform so the second-gen 8C might have some more go to complement its already excellent show.

Sergio Cravero, Alfa’s global marketing director, thinks that of all the Fiat Group’s potential platforms for the 8C, the Ferrari California is the best match, reports Autocar. Unfortunately, Ferrari is understandably very insistent on keeping its top-level engineering and construction to itself, so even getting 1,000 examples of the California’s underpinnings for another limited run of the 8C may be an impossible task.

It wouldn’t be the first time a Ferrari car had spawned Fiat Group siblings, however. Maserati’s famous MC12 was built on the same basic platform as the hyper-exclusive Enzo. Although that car was built in extremely limited numbers, and primarily for homologation purposes, if the head honchos at the Prancing Horse are willing to share at that level, it’s at least a possibility that the more everyday California will see some dual-use application, and it’s hard to imagine a better one than a new 8C Competizione.

Recent hints at a GTA edition lend credence to the possibility that the new 8C could be based on a higher-performance platform than the current model, as do denials that the next 169 will be based on the same platform as the 8C. Keeping the car exclusive and high-performance sound like ideal conditions for a Ferrari tie-up.

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