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Well it’s been a while since 100bhp constituted ‘hot’ but that’s essentially what you’re looking at. It’s been a while coming: when the upright Seicento replacement was first unveiled in October 2003 it was pulled along by fairly tame 1.1 and 1.2 petrol engines. Later, the torquier 1.3JTD arrived but even then, the Panda was hardly a performer. But it’s been working out and turned into this, the Panda 100HP.

Nothing special, judging by the cheap-looking plastic air box. But this is an engine that really deserves to be dressed smartly. A 1386cc twin cam developed from the Starjet unit in the Grande Punto it squeaks out 99bhp and 97lb ft, sending both to the front wheels through six closely-stacked forward gears.

Like the Ford Sportka, this Fiat is far more fun than the modest power output suggests. The little four can be kept on the boil all day with the excellent six-speed gearbox and the engineers have even built in some satisfying induction roar. While hardly a torque-steering monster, on the fast Balocco test track it was easy to find the point where the ASR cuts in. As for performance, well it’s not going to worry a Focus ST but it might give a few thrusting sales reps a nasty shock: 62mph comes up in 9.5sec and it’ll do 112mph flat out.

Fiat’s engineers have put a lot of effort into tuning the suspension of the Panda 100HP. Because as any respectable tuner knows, there’s no point in having a rapid engine if the car doesn’t go round corners properly. But matching that cornering agility with an ability to absorb bumps can be tricky, particularly on a small-wheeled, short-wheelbase car like the Panda.

But by jove they’ve done it. Understeer is minimal and the rear wheels remain firmly planted on the road under hard cornering and because the Panda weighs just 975kg, it’s brakes never grumble either. Unfortunately the overlight power steering remains.

Look for the chunky 15-inch alloys, revised bumpers and beefy side skirts. It’s all tastefully done and adds some visual bite to the Panda’s odd proportions.

The interior though, is smart rather than sporting. Gone are the light-coloured dash coverings of the original car to be replaced with more sombre colours highlighted by bright metal trims on some of the controls. Black and grey fabric covers the seats, which are comfortable and supportive to suit the sporting nature of the car. The rear seats backs are split to provide some loading practicality and like every Panda, the cabin feels tall and narrow.

Fiat is back doing what it does well, namely building small, fast cars that don’t break the bank to own. Don’t be surprised to see the odd Panda thundering down a B-road or smoking you at the lights because we expect this one to sell in serious numbers.

All it really needs is an Abarth logo. But it sounds like Fiat is already working on something there. Watch this space.

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dai, è proprio bellina...





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Molto bello il colore! :)

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

Charles Bukowski (Women)

Avete letto l'articolo de "La Repubblica"?

<<...Poi c'è stata la versione in pezzo unico Luxury, con montanti in platino e altre amenità varie, comprata da uno sceicco a 150 mila euro e presentata al salone del lusso...

>> :shock:

o sara vera sta cosa????

Prenditi cura degli amici, ma ancor piu dei tuoi nemici...



l'ho vista dal vivo alla fiera del Lusso di Verona... 50.001 €!!!! Ma baffanculo và! :D

Verniciatura in madreperla, brillanti, oro zecchino... na pacchianata da collezionisti annoiati... comunque io quegli interni bianchi li metterei sulla 500..

o sara vera sta cosa????

e'vero era un esemplare unico, aveva un prezzo indicativo di 50.001 euro ed e' stato alla fine venduto per ca. 150.000.


non c'è possibilità che mettano il cambio 6 marcie anche sul disel? non per velleità sportive, solo per farlo consumare ancora di meno. Non si fa abbastanza per contenere i consumi, tuttora in commercio non esistono vetture che consumino realmente poco, gli unici tentativi erano di togliere un cilindro, il clima e vendere la macchina al triplo, mi riferisco alla lupo 3l e alla A2


e'vero era un esemplare unico, aveva un prezzo indicativo di 50.001 euro ed e' stato alla fine venduto per ca. 150.000.

Prenditi cura degli amici, ma ancor piu dei tuoi nemici...


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