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Jaguar S-Type (Spy e Photoshops)

Touareg 2.5

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Tieni conto che a me la XJ in prima serie fa impazziere, ma la S type deve essere la S type e non la XJ.

Per me se devono esserci dei richiami storici devono essere alla Mk2 alla S Type ecc.

La Xj deve richiamarsi alla prima XJ (e l'ultima serie lo fa) le altre no.

E la X type che gioca a fare la XJ in piccolo già un pò di fastidio me lo dà, se lo fa anche S si rischia di fare "un wurstel 3 misure" stile audi.

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IMHO invece, con qualche piccolo ritocco, quella mascherina potrebbe essere benissimo la reinterpretazione in chiave moderna di questa:

Ovvero la splendida XJ prima serie.

sono d'accordo, a me la mascherina ha subito fatto pensare alla XJ e non la trovo malvagia, però è giustissimo il discorso di duetto

Per quanto riguarda la foto postata da Andrea, beh, per la S-type mi sembra che abbiano attinto a piene mani dalla linea della "gattona"

Come se fosse antani per lei

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Tieni conto che a me la XJ in prima serie fa impazziere, ma la S type deve essere la S type e non la XJ.

Per me se devono esserci dei richiami storici devono essere alla Mk2 alla S Type ecc.

La Xj deve richiamarsi alla prima XJ (e l'ultima serie lo fa) le altre no.

E la X type che gioca a fare la XJ in piccolo già un pò di fastidio me lo dà, se lo fa anche S si rischia di fare "un wurstel 3 misure" stile audi.

Su questo concordo pienamente. :wink: La mia osservazione era per puntualizzare che se somiglianza c'è, non è certo con la Croma ma con il passato stesso della casa del giaguaro... :D


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  • 3 settimane fa...






The Ford-owned British sports car maker Jaguar is currently testing among others the cooling and air conditioning system for the next generation S-Type in the Californian desert under real world conditions. The crew of engineers have several prototypes of the new model, some of which are shown on these recent photos.

Code-named X 250, the next S-Type aims in particular at buyers of the very successful BMW 5-Series. The current S-Type has been on the market since 1998, and although it had found many faithful buyers, the nostalgic styling turned out not to be for everybody.

Now Jaguar is about to develop a more modern and futuristic looking car and to abandon the old styling. The pictured prototypes have still body parts from the current S-type but already the new front end, still partly hidden under disguise.

According to insider information, the new S-Type will adapt styling elements from both, the RD 6 and R-Coupe concept cars and will be getting an oval mesh grille split by a chrome bar with the Jaguar badge. Furthermore, it is said to get twin single- unit headlights and the bumper has integrated twin fog lamps.

Engines come from the current S line up, a choice of an entry level 3.0 litre fuel engine and a 2.7 litre twin-turbodiesel, furthermore a 4.2 litre V8 delivering 300 bhp plus a top-of-the-line 420 bhp V8 from the recently launched XKR. The new S-Type is scheduled for release in 2008.


 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Guest Riccardo



The Ford-owned British sports car maker Jaguar is currently testing among others the cooling and air conditioning system for the next generation S-Type in the Californian desert under real world conditions. The crew of engineers have several prototypes of the new model, some of which are shown on these recent photos.

Code-named X 250, the next S-Type aims in particular at buyers of the very successful BMW 5-Series. The current S-Type has been on the market since 1998, and although it had found many faithful buyers, the nostalgic styling turned out not to be for everybody.

Now Jaguar is about to develop a more modern and futuristic looking car and to abandon the old styling. The pictured prototypes have still body parts from the current S-type but already the new front end, still partly hidden under disguise.

According to insider information, the new S-Type will adapt styling elements from both, the RD 6 and R-Coupe concept cars and will be getting an oval mesh grille split by a chrome bar with the Jaguar badge. Furthermore, it is said to get twin single- unit headlights and the bumper has integrated twin fog lamps.

Engines come from the current S line up, a choice of an entry level 3.0 litre fuel engine and a 2.7 litre twin-turbodiesel, furthermore a 4.2 litre V8 delivering 300 bhp plus a top-of-the-line 420 bhp V8 from the recently launched XKR. The new S-Type is scheduled for release in 2008.


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