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Peugeot 207 SW


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Pictured below is a CGI of the future Peugeot 207 SW version. This one is reliable for two reasons: First, a lot of people have seen the real thing in an international presentation to dealers at the 207 launch. Second, Peugeot design has become very predictable...


The original 206 SW is probably the only sucessfull derivation from cars in this class. There are mini people-carriers derivations (Renault Modus, Peugeot 1007, etc), small saloons (Seat Cordoba, Polo classic) and all of these are hideous and do not sell much. The break versions of such small cars are not that bad, for example the Fabia break but mainly the very sucessfull 206 SW. So the 207 SW should look very good and hopefully have more luggage space than the previous version. Or maybe not, Peugeot is famous for prefering style to practicality.



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