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Audi Q5 (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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Audi is about to develop a new compact SUV to take its place below the Q7 in the company’s model line up. Dubbed Q5, the newcomer is going to be a direct competitor against the BMW X3. It is sitting on a platform and is using elements from the next A4 and A6. It will be bigger, measuring about 4.70m in overall length, than the BMW X3 and the upcoming Mercedes GLK.

Technically it is derived in components from the VW Touareg. Also, in order to be able to use the important V8 power plants which are essential for the US market, the engines will be mounted lengthwise, not transversely. The Q5 is also equipped with “quattro” all-wheel-drive.

The photos are showing a very recent advanced prototype of the new model. The added computer image is showing how the new Q5 could look like upon its release.

The Q5 is expected to debut at the beginning of 2008.


L'auto nel topic "che audi è?" è proprio il muletto della Q5... direi di chiuderlo quello.. Ah.. non ho messo il photoshop di WCF xke è orrendo e poco veritiero..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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