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Rinspeed Imola & Indy 4S

Touareg 2.5

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The Swiss Porsche tuner Rinspeed transforms the Porsche Cayman also optically in an more bitingly reptile. The effect-orange color paint exclusively mixed by the German paint manufacturer Lesonal lets the ducked reptile appear to be even more aggressive and dynamic.

The already outstanding road performance is joined by a sophisticated aerodynamic package which doesn't leave any wish unfulfilled. Rinspeed has modified the Cayman characteristics with a low front skirt which takes design clues from the Indy look which was introduces for the 997 model series. The big carbon air intakes with the integrated parking lights remind of the current 997 Turbo model. New side skirts let the power house from Stuttgart appear lowered and sleeker. The complete rear skirt features a carbon difusor insert. Special attention was given to the exchangeable rear skirt inserts which allow either center or a dual exhaust systems. Headers, metal catalytic converters and stainless steel exhaust systems round up the exciting program.

The contact to the road is taken care by the well established five spoke aluminum wheels C5/1 in the format of 8.5 x 20" with tires of the dimension 235/30-20 at the front axle and 11 x 20" with tires 305/25-20 at the rear. The suspension is lowered by 25mm by an especially laid out and engineered suspension kit which is adapted to the serial PASM system. Four way adjustable coil over suspension kits are also available.

The interior is enhanced by a sporty steering wheel in F1 look, aluminum shift knob, aluminum pedals sets, emergency brake lever as well as velour floor mats.

Indy 4S



Carrera 4 or Carrera 4S, Coupe or Convertible: Rinspeed is offering its aerodynamic package Indy for immediate deliveries. The original front skirt is replaced by a complete Rinspeed front skirt which enhances the aerodynamic down force. Side skirts let the 997 appear lower and more dynamic. Additionally, a rear skirt with a difusor optic has been developed. The tuner also offers the well established aluminum wheel in the Design C5/1 in 20" for this model range. Wheels of 8.5 x 20" and tires of the maximal width of 245/30-20 can be fitted on the front axle where as the rear takes 11 x 20" wheels with tires of the dimension 305/25-20.

Apart of the aerodynamics package, Rinspeed also offers a wide exhaust program. The possibilities range from oval end pipes to a flow optimized sport exhausts to high performance exhaust systems which include headers, metal catalytic converters and rear mufflers.

Suspension wise Rinspeed opts for sporty lowering springs (approximately 25mm). Alternatively adjustable coil-over suspension kits can be ordered. Both sets are compatible with the original PASM system.

The interior is enhanced by full leather trims, airbag sport steering wheels, aluminum pedals, aluminum foot rests and shift knobs.


... Ho letto Rinspeed.. e ho pensato.. chissà quale porcheria presentano sta volta.... e invece no

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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