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Baravalle " Alfa ha bisogno di nuovi modelli"


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Alfa Romeo chief: Automaker needs more legs to stand on

PARIS -- The way Antonio Baravalle sees it, Alfa Romeo needs more than two legs to stand on.

The man in charge of reviving the struggling sports car maker says it will need more than two top-selling models if it is to meet a target of nearly doubling unit sales by 2010.

"These are my two legs: the 147 (hatchback) and the 159 (sedan)," he said at a briefing at the Paris Auto Show. "To have 300,000 (in unit sales), you need four legs."

Baravalle, who heads the brand within Fiat's auto division as executive vice president, said he aimed to put more big sellers -- or legs -- on the road between 2008 and 2010.

"Our priority is to grow by volume," he said.

After the recent launch of the 159 sportwagon, the Spider and the Brera coupe models, he expected unit sales to reach 160,000 in 2006, up from 137,000 units in 2005.

But Baravalle said Alfa Romeo was working on at least two other models to enable it to enter new market segments. One would be a small, sporty car for young drivers and the other a crossover sports utility vehicle (SUV).

Although declining to confirm a recent report in Automotive News, Baravalle hinted the small car would challenge BMW's popular Mini.

"You can put two and two together," he said.

Baravalle declined to say when he expected the brand to return to profitability, but Fiat Group Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne said in July it was "highly likely" that Alfa Romeo would at least break even in 2008.


Marchionne also acknowledged the challenges the brand faces in its effort to reclaim a place among the world's premium names.

"As appealing as the brand is, it is going to require a lot of effort to assure that it does achieve margin targets," he said.

Fiat never publishes Alfa Romeo's sales and profit figures.

Marchionne has overseen a major turnaround at Fiat, the division's mass market brand, with the most notable success being the Grande Punto.

Baravalle said he was also working hard to reverse the poor image that Alfa Romeo had earned over the years in the area of parts and services.

"We've got a third-party parts problem. We've got a technical assistance problem. We've got a quality problem. The quality we were able to provide was not of the quality of a premium customer," he said.

"Our aspiration is to compete with BMW. Today, we are not at that level in terms of service and product ... We are in the middle of nowhere," he added.

Baravalle saw no need to go outside the Fiat Group to look for partners to share the cost of development and production, as other brands such as Fiat have done.

The unveiling of Alfa Romeo's limited-edition sports car -- the 8C Competizione -- at the auto show was a case in point, he said.

Alfa Romeo took parts from Fiat Group's luxury sports car brands Maserati and Ferrari and fitted them to meet its own specifications.

A questo discorso il nostro utente Isogrifo risponde cosi

Da quanto ne so io, e le mie informazioni sono attendibilissime ma datate a fine agosto all'Alfa sono passati dalla fase di studio alla fase esecutiva questi modelli:

Alfa Junior su pianale GPunto

Alfa Spider Junior su pianale GPunto

Alfa 148 (che non sarà derivata stilisticamente da 8c ma da Brera)

Alfa 159 Crosswagon

Entro il 2009 dovrebbero quindi comparire sul mercato.

Su tutto il resto c'è ancora molta indecisione...e si starebbero valutando:

SUV su pianale 159 (competitor di BMW X3)

Crossover su pianale 159 allungato (competitor di Mercedes R ma su fascia bassa del segmento)

Berlina new166 su pianale 159 allungato (competitor di Mercedes CLS ma su fascia bassa del segmento)

Berlina new166 su pianale Quattroporte (competitor di Mercedes CLS)

Entro dicembre inoltre dovrebbe partire lo studio per New Alfa GT su base 148, nuova GT da posizionare sotto Brera il cui sviluppo però dovrebbe essere molto veloce (addirittura 15 mesi!)

La Alfa GT dà grandi profitti e ha richiesto pochi investimenti essendo streettamente derivata da 147 e 156, inoltre vende molto bene all'estero, è quindi un modello cardine dell'Alfa Romeo.

Sarà vero?

Bisogna guidare straniero per capire il "PIACERE DI GUIDA ITALIANO"

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Alfa 148 (che non sarà derivata stilisticamente da 8c ma da Brera)


dal thread alfa 149 su scoop & anteprime

Baravalle al TG5 ha detto che 149 avrà tratti che s'ispireranno alla 8c competizione....

Come la mettiamo :?: :?: :?:

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vorrei ke mi kiariste questa cosa:

Berlina new166 su pianale 159 allungato (competitor di Mercedes CLS ma su fascia bassa del segmento)

Berlina new166 su pianale Quattroporte (competitor di Mercedes CLS)

ma nn sarebbero la stessa makkina a tp? cosa c'entra 159?

p.s.: leggere alfa junior coupè e spider su base gpunto mi mette l'angoscia :)


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furbetto sto Isogrifo ;) ;) una vocina mi dice che non ha detto cazzate... ;) ;)


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furbetto sto Isogrifo ;) ;) una vocina mi dice che non ha detto cazzate... ;) ;)



non ho capito quante 166 facciamo.

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