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Volkswagen Phaeton Facelift (Spy)

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Volkswagen is planning to introduce a slight facelift for the Phaeton next year and therefore give a much needed boost to sales until the new model will arrive in 2009. Main modifications will be the redesigned front grille – reminiscent of the Passat, Polo and Golf GTI – a modified front bumper and a more sculpted bonnet in compliance with enhanced pedestrian protection. Also new will be curved-light headlight system and a DVD navigation system replacing the outdated CD technology. When the all-new model arrives in 2009, it is believed to be more coupe-like than today’s Phaeton and is said to be repositioned half a class below the Audi A8 but still well ahead of the Passat.

... bah..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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new model in 2009??? pazzi fino al midollo!!

...ah già devono finire di pagarsi i macchinari... :evil:

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