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Nissan Micra CC Barbie


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A British car dealer has what it believes will become the most expensive Nissan Micra ever sold. Yes, even more expensive than the Conran designer version we told you about earlier this year. The Micra C + C (coupe and cabriolet) in question is one of 275 special edition pink Micras made to support Breakthrough Breast Cancer, a breast cancer charity.

Although the normal asking price on this diminutive cab is only £14,750 (that's about 28 grand, US), the ace in the hole for this particular C + C is the license plate. is hoping that some Barbie lover will also want this personalized number plate as part of the deal. And apparently, the 'BAR81E' plate is worth more than the car!

If the Micra is sold with the number plate, it might bring as much as £36,250! That's almost $70,000, folks. A lot of cash for the car, but its limited edition nature and the unique plate will surely attract a buyer. And with at least £250 pledged to Breakthrough Breast Cancer, the buyer will be able to feel good about themselves too.

Seems like a golden, erm, pink opportunity for some Barbie wannabe. Full release after the jump.

[source: Nissan]

Press Release:


Chorley Nissan has launched a search for a Barbie girl to drive away in what could prove to be the most expensive Micra on the road – a special edition pink Micra C+C with personalised numberplate 'BAR81E'.

The pink Micra C+C (coupe and cabriolet), is currently on display in Chorley Nissan's showroom on Strand Road, Preston – and appropriately, sports a number plate any Barbie Girl would be proud of.

The dealership is hoping that the pink C+C, normally priced at £14,750, will be sold together with the number plate for an incredible £36,250, making it the most exclusive and most expensive Micra on the road!

Chorley Nissan, the North West's leading Nissan dealer group, has pledged to donate £250 to breast cancer charity, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, when the car is sold.

Steve Jackson, Managing Director of, a Preston-based company and owner of the BAR81E numberplate has also pledged a charity donation if the plate, worth £21,500, is sold with the pink Micra.

Chorley Nissan Group Director Peter Portlock said: "Nissan produced just 275 of these pink Micra C+Cs as a result of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and we're lucky enough to have one of them here in Preston.

"When Steve Jackson from approached me and asked if we would display the vehicle with their BAR81E numberplate – it seemed a fantastic idea and a great way to promote the 'Breakthrough' campaign.

"We're absolutely certain there's a Barbie girl out there who'd love to get her hands on both the limited edition pink Micra and the 'BAR81E' number plate that really makes this a true one-of-a-kind car."

Peter added: "Breakthrough's research, education and campaigning work is absolutely vital and we're delighted to be able to support them and have a bit of fun in the process."



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dannata emancipazione femminile...non ci fosse stata, a quest'ora barbie non esisterebbe e nemmeno le distinzioni assurde tra azzuro e rosa, oltretutto le donne nemmeno guiderebbero mezzi locomotori tipicamente maschili come l'automobile... :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

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dannata emancipazione femminile...non ci fosse stata, a quest'ora barbie non esisterebbe e nemmeno le distinzioni assurde tra azzuro e rosa, oltretutto le donne nemmeno guiderebbero mezzi locomotori tipicamente maschili come l'automobile... :lol: :twisted: :twisted:


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Faccio mio il commento di Jeremy Clarksson dopo aver provato un modello di questo stesso colore:


Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

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