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Renault Clio R3 (Spy)

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Renault Sport Technologies has been working in secret on the new Clio R3 for months under the guidance of Gilles Vandecaveye. A Belgium Car magazine spotted test driver Simon Jean-Joseph in the south of France. They have some other test planned on gravel in the vicinity of Grenoble.

Renault sport Technologies wants to offer 3 versions of the Clio R3, every version has more power and a higher price.The 3 kits are "R3 Access", "R3 Premium" en "R3 Maxi". A driver can start with a Clio R3 Access and let the car evolve from there in the other versions.

A driver can start with the Clio R3 Access and let the car evolve from there in his own pace. The Access kit is a budget friendly kit that meets group N standards and has a screwed in roll cage, standard rolltrain (that's not the right word is it?), Bilstein shock absorbers and a Sadev 6-speed sequential gearbox. The Premium kit has a welded roll cage, specific driveshafts and Öhlins shock absorbers and a evolved engine. The R3 Maxi has specific axles that are close to those found on the super 1600, has better shock absorbers, bigger brakes in the front and an engine with 230 BHP.

They say the FIA wants to supersede the Super 1600 by the R3, the Super 1600 is too expensive. With the R3 the cost to buy the car and the running costs are about a third of that of a Super 1600 car. Renault will announce its plans for the R3 during the Rally du Va at the end of November.

The R3 is at the moment slower than the super 1600. On tarmac it's about a second per KM slower than the super 1600. That's in part due to the difference in weight and braking system. with 230 BHP the engine has about he same power as the Super 1600 but with 245nm against 192nm, the R3 has a lot more torque than the Super 1600.

... La parte che secondo me non gli è riuscita proprio è il posteriore.. l'avrei preferito piu aggressivo cmq...

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 3 settimane fa...
E che questa è una frenata! :D

Comunque molto belle le immagini! E pure la macchina...

E' incredibile come la versione normale non mi piaccia per nulla, l'RS invece un sacco!

Ovviamente pure questa che la ricalca...

io ho fatto il test drive dell'RS e, ragazzi, è un mezzo eccezziunale veramente!!!! una prontezza di sterzo, di cambiata e frenata straordinari!! per non parlare del motore che, purtroppo, nel test drive ovviamente non sono riuscito a sfruttare, ma si sentiva benissimo quanto fosse capace!!

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