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Fiat Automoveis, la divisione Fiat brasiliana, allarga il suo raggio di azione andando alla conquista del secondo mercato più importante dell'America latina: il Messico.

Il mercato messicano nell'anno passato ha registrato l'immatricolazione di 1,2 milioni di automobili e veicoli commerciali leggeri. Dato questo secondo soltanto al Brasile che ha chiuso l'hanno precedente con 1,8 milioni di auto immatricolate.

Cledorvino Belini, CEO di Fiat Automoveis spiega che il ritorno in Messico sarà possibile grazie ad un accordo con SKBC, un partner già conosciuto da Fiat, con il quale collabora da tempo per la distribuzione di vetture in mercati minori come Cile e Perù. Il catalogo per il (ri)lancio comprenderà la Palio, in tutte le sue varianti, compresa la versione pick up "Strada", la Stilo e la Grande Punto.

Fiat has re-launched in México, the second biggest new car market in Latin America. The new headquarters of Fiat Mexico has been inaugurated in Monterrey by the SKBC Group – an important conglomerate of enterprise groups covering México, Chile and Spain – which has been nominated as the new importer and distributor of Fiat vehicles for the Mexican market.

The prestigious opening event was held in the presence of Cledorvino Belini, the CEO of Fiat Automòveis, the Fiat division which covers the Latin American region; and he considered the event as “the re-launching of Fiat in the country." He mentioned the importance of the Mexican market in Fiat reaching the objectives it has set itself to increase the presence of the brand in Latin America over the next five years. México currently has a new car market that totals 1.2 million vehicles sold each year, and these figures are second in the region only to the number of automobiles and light commercial vehicles sold in Brazil, which this year is set to hit the 1.8 million units mark.

Cledorvino Belini, together with the CEO of SKBC Group Eugênio Clariond, during the presentation declared that Fiat Automòveis now has the inherent strength to grow successfully and swiftly in Mexico. Fiat brand CEO Luca de Meo was also present.

Fiat will offer on the Mexican market the full Palio family range (hatchback, sedan, Palio 1.8 R, Palio Adventure and Strada pick-up) together with sporty Stilo Schumacher hatchback, and all the models currently produced by Fiat's Brazilian unit.

SKBC Group is a partnership between SKBergé, a group of Hispanic-Chilean companies which already represents Fiat in the markets of Chile and Peru as the importer and distributor, and Automachine Mundiales Group of México, one of the biggest and most established new car dealership groups in the Mexican market.

According to the Managing Director for Operations Derek Fox, the main objective will be to extend the network of dealerships up to the 40 mark by 2010. “We have been working with professionalism to consolidate the presence of the brand and we aim to reach the 40,000 units sold per year in 2010,“ he affirmed. Fernando D' Ornellas CEO of Bergé Group, and Juan Eduardo Errazuriz Vice-President of Sigdo-Koppers Group, two companies that participate in the SKBergé, were also present during the event, along with representatives from the new Mexican Fiat dealerships as well as the specialised and local automotive press.

During the event, the dealership personnel and journalists were able to take a closer look at the string of new products that Fiat will now offer in México, a line-up now enriched by the launching of the new Fiat Grande Punto, a “premium” compact hatchback and a model which is achieving huge sales success and a favorable reception from the press in the European markets. The stylish Grande Punto was the centre of attention at the launch event, as it also made its Mexican debut. As well as this new star model from the Italian brand, Fiat will offer on the Mexican market the full Palio family range (hatchback, sedan, Palio 1.8 R, Palio Adventure and Strada pick-up) together with sporty Stilo Schumacher hatchback, and all the other models currently produced by Fiat's Brazilian unit.


Penso che Fiat stia facendo molto bene a puntare sempre più a nuovi mercati. Speriamo che la divisione brasiliana faccia bene anche in Messico.

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

Charles Bukowski (Women)


spacchiamo tutto! :D solo qui in Germania del nord... nisba? Gpunto e Panda non se ne vedono...

Ci solleveremo dalle tenebre dell'ignoranza, ci accorgeremo di essere creature di grande intelligenza e abilità. Saremo liberi!Impareremo a volare! Richard Bach, 1973," Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston"


Ho un'amica messicana che mi diceva che qualche anno fa le fiat erano vendute nei concessionari daewoo-chevrolet in concessionari multimarca. penso fossero d'importazione.


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