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Il diesel 3000 è PSA.


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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Sarà sviluppato insieme (o anche totalmente da PSA) ma all'utente finale l'importante è avere sotto i cavalli (oltre al fatto che Jaguar ha per se la versione più potente).

Rientrando in tema, aspetto notizie di questi V6 Jaguar, immagino con cilindrata unitaria analoga al 5 litri, perciò un 3,6...??

per il momento è tutto top secret

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  • 1 mese fa...
  • 2 mesi fa...

Update: Jaguar celebra il successo commerciale della XF

Jaguar more than doubled sales of the XF model in the UK in December – rounding off two years of unprecedented sales success for the newest addition to the Jaguar range. Total UK sales for the Jaguar range are up 63% year on year for December.

There are now more than 19,000 XFs on UK roads with 10,108 sold in 2009 and 8,885 sold in 2008.1

Geoff Cousins, Managing Director, Jaguar UK said: "The launch of the XF has been a huge success for us in the UK. Nearly 60 per cent of owners in the UK are new to the Jaguar brand, with owners of premium German brands proving to be the keenest to buy an XF.

"The last part of 2009 saw seven months of consecutive sales growth2 for the XF in the UK, and while market conditions have been challenging, XF has steadily grown market share. We also ended 2009 with an order book bursting with new customers wanting an XF during 2010. After nearly two years on sale in the UK that is a remarkable result."

In December, 980 XF models were sold, compared to 431 in December 2008 (an increase of 127 per cent). However, the XF wasn't the only reason for Jaguar's success2. Sales of the XK model were up 61.5 per cent with 84 sold in December and X-TYPE sales were up 17.7 per cent with 425 sold.

Geoff Cousins added: "As X-TYPE production came to an end during December, we have experienced a very successful run-out of this model with sales up as customers rushed to grab the last few cars to come off the production line. The sale of the last of our outgoing XJ models also helped contribute to an overall increase in sales of 63 per cent in the last month of the year compared to 20083."

While sales in 2009 were strong for XF and XK, overall sales for the year were down 10.4 per cent versus 2008 due to the run-out of both XJ and X-TYPE. The new XJ goes on sale in the UK in March 2010, priced from £53,775.

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Anch'io la valuterò come possibile sostituta ( anche se sono molto giovane:mrgreen: ). Purtroppo sono costretto, nel caso, a prenderne una usata con motorizzazione 2.7D 207 cv per motivi fiscali ma per le mie esigenza basta e avanza. Certo il 3.0 V6 da 275 cv era molto succulento però sforo:((( Va beh al massimo rimappo:lol::lol:



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  • 4 settimane fa...

Ne ho viste un paio negli ultimi giorni: una nera a Roma e una blu esposta all'aeroporto di Capodichino (in questa sono anche entrato). Che dire: meravigliosa. Anche il frontale, che non mi convinceva del tutto, con i colori scuri è molto bello. Ad ogni modo, la più bella del suo segmento di gran lunga. Complimenti alla Jaguar.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 

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