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New Lamborghini R6 (Foto Ufficiali)

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40 gears in both directions...

Lamborghini has just launched a new vehicle -- and it costs under £60,000. The new Lamborghini R6, said to offer operators an ideal combination of reliability, power and comfort, is powered by a 7.1-litre six-cylinder engine, with max power reached at just 1,800rpm.

At 1,000 rpm, the torque rise is significantly higher than the torque at the rated speed, ensuring that the tractor has no difficulty moving off even in toughest conditions. The performance of the R6 engines is further enhanced by the “overpower” provided for demanding PTO work and fast road transport.

The R6 has an efficient cooling system, comprised of the engine coolant radiator, transmission oil cooler and fuel cooler and intercooler, all of which are positioned parallel to each other in order to increase the surface area exposed to the cooling air flow. This system allows the overall dimensions of the cooling system to be reduced, thus allowing improved forward visibility from the driving seat and more space under the hood.

The transmission is also new, allowing smooth and jerk-free shifting under load. This is a four-speed Powershift unit with six synchronised ranges, creeper and change-on-the-go hydraulic shuttle, giving a total of 40 forward and 40 reverse gears.

Available speeds range from 0.45 km/h to 50 km/h, the steering angle is 52 degrees, with differential locks on both axles -- handy for tight turns such as Druid's.

Modern and attractive, the R6 bodywork styling is also brand new, with its galvanised steel hood, Telene side panels and distinctive front grille.

Yours for just £58,500 -- a brand new Lamborghini tractor.


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Io pensavo che il settore agricolo avesse chiuso, ma dipende anche questo dal gruppo Audi-VW, oppure è indipendente come Volvo Trucks rispetto a Volvo Cars?

Non avete delle foto?


Norbert Reithofer: "L' 80% dei nostri clienti è convinto che l' iDrive sia un prodotto Apple!"

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interessante k la lambo si rimetta a fare quello k faceva in origine, cmq quetso è un forum di auto , nn di mezzi agricoli!

Chi va piano, andrà sano, ma ad arrivare lontano ci metterà un bel po'!!! :cool::cool:

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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