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Distress in Dearborn

Ford Motor Company loses $12.7 billion in 2006 aw_spacer.gif



AutoWeek | Published 01/25/07, 1:08 pm et

If “Bold Moves” were the “way forward” for Ford, they didn’t help the company financially in 2006. Ford lost $5.8 billion in the fourth quarter and a staggering $12.7 billion for the year.

Ford’s shining stars were its automotive operations in Europe and South America, which made $469 million and $551 million in profit, respectively. The company’s financial services sector also proved to be profitable, earning $1.9 billion.

Beyond those divisions, the numbers look rather grim. North American automotive operations took the biggest hit, hemorrhaging $6.1 billion. The Premier Automotive Group—Ford’s perennial money drain—lost $327 million on the year, but actually made $191 million in profit during the last three months of ’06.

In spite of new product launches, Ford executives are cautious regarding the 2007 outlook. Citing shrinking market share, fleet sales and a lack of tax offsets, they predict 2007 to be even more challenging

positivi ford europa e sudamerica, così come il ramo finanziario, per un totale di 3 miliardi circa. in nord america ford perde 6.1 miliardi, e il ramo premier 327 milioni, anche se con un trend di miglioramento della performance. e il 2007 si preannuncia peggiore con quota in peggioramento, vendite stabili e nessuna riduzione delle tasse..


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