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Mah speriamo in qualcosa di sbarazzino e giovanile.. possibilmente senza apri portabagagli in stila Panda I..


Apri portabagagli usato anche su Yaris I serie e riproposto più modernizzato sulla serie attuale... lo trovo orrendo, soprattutto per auto del XXI secolo!

Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 Multijet 90 cv 5 porte Emotion. Bella rossa fiammante!!!

Mia, ti voglio tanto bene!


niente paura , è di nuovo confermato che francoforte ci sarà il prototipo della "small family"

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

Small town car of Volkswagen is called Up! After the not really successful Lupo and a little profitable fox works Volkswagen for new stadswagen. On the IAA a study model with the name Up stands! AutoScoops reveal as first the details. Provisionally we can give to photograph still no, only one description of external. The Up! no traditional grille have and thus do what to think of the kever. The elongated trunk flap (no cap) and gladde bumper with black strip characterise the front. The lid of the boot exists from a transparent material that also high the placed rear lights covers. Thus the square wipers can sweep clean at the same time also the rear lights. Vw-logo the achteraan are themselves behind glass and slightly with the rear lights on. The wheels - 15-duims on the prototype - became on the angles of the koetswerk one sport-loving form whole with the they thresholds and with the contours of the wheel castes. Off the hindmost wheel castes the squares run strong omhoog, to finish in an original c style. The track breadth can be there for such a small car: 1.42 meter. Interieur Volkswagens new prototype has a length of 3.45 meter and breadth of 1.63 meter. To make much space with such compact dimensions in the interieur, Volkswagen apply an original technical solution. The engine is, as it happens, like at the smart fortwo placed in the back of. The track breadth (1.42 meter) is also very large in proportion with the breadth of the carriage. Large portieren (with a plaatsbesparend opening mechanism) ensure a smooth access to the interieur. Except the driver seat samenklapt can all other seats and to be dismantled. By their schaalvorm and weight they can be placed in one of the two trunk spaces. Beside the trunk vooraan there are also achteraan. The Up! has equipped with two central display devices. In the cockpit 7-duims a baffle provides the driver with the most important information such as the speed, the fuel level and the autonomy, as well as current co2-uitstoot. By means of a touchscreen the navigation system, the radio, the boardcomputer and the climate regulation are served. Still a nice ' detail ' is is based on which adapts to the inzittende by by means of a valve in the seat ventilates to suck in (such as a zelfopblazende air mattress). The Up! is more than one fantasietje of the design department. Volkswagen make even aloud the comparison with potential of the kever or the golf. It is clear that Volkswagen these Up! in production wants take. In 2009 a serial model at the concessionnaires is able stand.

A meno che non ci siano due modelli.. la City Expert dovrebbe prendere il nome di Up..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

Che in parole povere vorrebbe dire "aspettiamoci una simil C1 by Vw" ?

Non in senso estetico magari.

Ma forse dal punto di vista funzionale.

Se poi non fanno come in PSA e il risparmio di costo lo fanno arrivare fino all'utente finale, va benissimo anche l'oblò in vetro.


Ma si ha qualche foto di questa Vag con motore posteriore? Se è uguale a quella vista su 4ruote di qualche numero fa, è molto carina (vi ricordate? era rossa, tre porte e con le fiancate posteriori pronunciate).

Questa discussione è chiusa.

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