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Bmw M3 (Spy)

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After 13 years BMW is about to come back on the market with an M3 four door version. Back in 1995 the Bavarian car manufacturer already had a four door in the M3 line up, but then for just one model year.

Now, this fall BMW will start off with the launch of the new M3 model range by first introducing the M3 coupe version. In spring 2008 the convertible M3 will follow, and finally in autumn another brand new version, the four door, is set for its release. This one, however, has at most the four doors in common with this predecessor, because while the 1995 M3 was powered by a 3.0 litre 6 cyl. 24 V engine delivering 296 HP, the M3 cars of today get power from a strong 4,0 litre V8 420 HP engine, accelerating in 4,6 sec. to 100 km/h.


Ok.. ho notato che avete separato i topic, ottimo!

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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