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Lamborghini Alar [Immagini Ufficiali]

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When we first saw the initial rendering of Joan Ferci's Lamborghini Alar, a Diablo-based special that's somehow allowed to retain the Lamborghini nameplate, we knew it'd be pretty ugly. Now, Argentina Auto Blog, the site that brought us the original rendering, has ponied up what are reportedly the first official shots of the car, and it's just about what you'd expect.

Looking like the bastard child of a Pontiac Banshee cross-bred with leftover elements from H.R. Giger's original Alien designs, the Alar is, by all appearances, a waking nightmare on four wheels.The hammerhead shark-like nose is particularly weird-looking. Ironically, there are people who go out of their way to build kit cars that look like real Diablos. Here you have a case where perfectly good Diablos will be sacrificed in order to make them look like wacky kit cars. The mind reels.

[source: Argentina Auto Blog]



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direi che non dovrebbe stare tra gli scoops essendo un'evidente ps

no no...sono foto ufficiali ;)


foto? forse rendering...

va be era x far capire che non si trattano di photo campati in aria ;)


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