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Bentley Continental Flying Spur Facelift (Spy)


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SPY PHOTOS: Bentley Continental GT and Flying Spur Facelift Text by Andreas Conradt


edited March 14, 2007

News from the front

Even the hottest cars, the most exclusive ones with the most traditional names and the highest prices need things as banal as a facelift if their manufacturers want to avoid a midlife crisis. And even these aforementioned cars need petrol at times – a lot of petrol that is. When both things come together, there’s time enough for our spies to take a closer look, grab the camera and shoot.

The result you can see here: the first shots of the facelifts of the Bentley Continental GT and Continental Flying Spur. Both will get slightly modified front bumpers and air-intakes plus revised interiors.

The 6.0-litres W12 Twin Turbo powerplants will be left unchanged though – no matter what the petrol bill and the global climate might say...


Modificato da Touareg 2.5


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  • 3 settimane fa...

La Continental Gt è bellissima,una delle più belle auto in assoluto, ma non vale assolutamente quello che costa (fantastica come Vw,comunque) ed è sportiva quanto un Tgv.

Invece Flying Spur per i miei gusti non è nemmeno bella..

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cmq la Flying Spur vista dal vivo e un bel macchinone...peccato x il frontale che non centra una mazza cn il copro da berlina..

Dal vero la trovo molto goffa e poco personale...molto peggio che in foto...effetto opposto fa la coupè che non per niente mi pare che sta avendo un grosso successo nonostante siano una phateon ricarozzata e poco sportiva

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

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