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Press Release :


• “It’s not only the safest Volvo ever. If you ask me, it’s also the most stunning. Not a bad combination, is it?” says Volvo Cars President and CEO Fredrik Arp.

• World premiere at the international motor show in Geneva on 4 March 2008.

• First cars arrive in the UK in autumn 2008.

Sporty crossover

Volvo’s new crossover vehicle boasts an exciting mix of two car styles and steps boldly into what is the motoring world’s toughest and fastest-growing segment. Sporting capable XC muscles, it combines a strong athletic body with high ground clearance and large wheels, while the flowing lines create the sporty charisma of a coupe.

“This car is charged with more emotive form and more energy than any other Volvo. We’re elevating our design DNA to an entirely new level by literally turning up the visual volume. If you say that you’d recognise a Volvo from a hundred metres away today, I dare say the XC60 radiates a clear Volvo presence from at least twice that distance,” says Volvo Cars Design Director Steve Mattin.

City safety standard on the new Volvo XC60

A variety of intelligent safety systems are another important part of the new Volvo XC60. The major news is City Safety – a unique system that can help the driver avoid or reduce the effects of the type of low-speed impacts that are common in city traffic and traffic tailbacks. If the car is about to drive into the vehicle in front and the driver does not react, the car brakes itself.

“We are the first manufacturer in the world to offer this type of feature as standard. City Safety clearly shows that the new Volvo XC60 is the safest car Volvo has ever produced. The car is packed with our accumulated safety know-how and technology, both when it comes to preventing accidents and protecting all the occupants in a collision,” says Fredrik Arp.

The XC60 project has its sights set on a target group that imposes high demands on design, brand integrity and high-tech content in its choice of lifestyle products.

“One might say that this could be the C30 owner’s next car. It’s as sporty and exciting, but more capable. With the Volvo XC60, we are widening our model range to attract even more customers with an active urban lifestyle,” explains Fredrik Arp.

Engines and volumes

The new XC60 is being launched with a choice of three engines: the turbocharged T6 which produces 285PS, and two variants of the D5 turbodiesel, producing 185 and 163 horsepower respectively. All- Wheel Drive (AWD) is fitted as standard.

“During 2009, we will offer a front-wheel driven 2.4-litre version powered by a Euro 5 diesel engine producing 163 horsepower and with a CO2 target around 170 g/km,” reveals Fredrik Arp.

The global sales target for the new XC60 is over 50,000 cars per year. The five largest markets during peak year 2010 will be the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Russia and China. The Volvo XC60 will be built at the Volvo Cars factory in Ghent, Belgium. Sales of the car will start in Europe during the second half of 2008, while sales in North America will get under way in early 2009. The new XC60 will arrive in UK dealer showrooms in October.


Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Carina, ma rispetto al concept - come detto quasi da tutti - un'occasione perduta.

Ho avuto una Volvo fino a dicembre scorso, posso dire che sono buone auto ma non raggiungono l'eccellenza. Ora che sono passato ad una BMW capisco appieno perchè il mercato riconosca loro solo un aurea mediocritas....


Visto dal vivo il concept era proprio bello e accattivante.

Questa è una gran bella banalizzazione, ergo, venderà molto. ;)

I'M IN LOVE!:pippa:

"La 6° marcia, K@zzo!"

P.s. Ve lo avevo già detto che i cerchi della Junior fanno Cag@rissimo? :mrgreen:


Concordo con quanto già detto: purtroppo hanno banalizzato il design della concept, che era davvero bellissima. Peccato.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 


peccato, sembra più la xc80 che il concept, poi il paraurto post gira con un effetto un po' strano, sembra quasi manchi un pezzo di fiancata.



guardando la foto del frontale, mi sembra che ha i fari sdoppiati, un pò in stile Lexus GS, con il faro piccolo molto più sottile...

o forse è solo un riflesso?


Soltanto a me faceva schifo il muso della concept mentre trovo carina l'auto definitiva???

Sti interni Volvo hanno scassato il cazzo però... TUTTE le auto ce li hanno uguali!!!!

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

Soltanto a me faceva schifo il muso della concept mentre trovo carina l'auto definitiva???

Sti interni Volvo hanno scassato il cazzo però... TUTTE le auto ce li hanno uguali!!!!

L'interno è IMHO una LEGGERISSIMA evoluzione del design interno Volvo attuale, ma è strano.

La strumentazione è molto Ford, con spigoli e un palpebrone enorme, mentre la "fascia fluttuante" centrale con navigatore integrato, sembra un frigo o un elettrodomestico anni '60 con quell'effetto laminato a righe e bordino in metallo...

L'esterno poi è un pò amorfo.

Strana. Non completamente brutta, ma bella proprio no (IMHO).


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