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Production of Chrysler's unsuccessful Crossfire sports car will end this summer, according to a report by German magazine AutoTelegraaf. The vehicle is currently built by Karmann in Germany.

Over a year ago, Chrysler paid Karmann to lower output of the ill-fated roadster/coupe. Production fell to around 12,500 in 2005, down from nearly 35,700 in 2004. The company sold 28,000 Crossfires in 2004 and just 9,900 in 2005.

Last year, it was reported that Crossfires spent an average of 302 days on the lot in 2005 before being sold.

The Crossfire is based on the previous-generation Mercedes SLK-Class platform. Weak sales have been blamed on everything from questionable styling to a high price tag.



 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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