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Renault Latitude (Spy da Pag. 2)


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Several projects have been stored in boxes at the height of the crisis, the main innovations of the brand in diamond is not imminent.

After launching in the last two gigs, the great Megane Coupe and Roadster Wind quick (two seats), Renault will enter a period of low in terms of new products under its own logo. "We must wait until 2012 for a volley over fed," said a leader of the group.

An exception, however, the sedan "statutory" which will come between the Laguna and Vel Satis, the former, including the very difficult career has been interrupted for several months. Renault keep secret his name and other details until next week, ahead of its presentation at the Paris Motor Show in early October, and its commercial launch in early 2011. One thing is certain, it will not be called Safrane, named the successor to the old R25, although the idea has circulated since the group already using the family name for a sedan sold in the Gulf countries on the basis Fluence of.

Unlike the Vel Satis designed Sandouville (Upper Normandy), this car lines sages who will flirt with the high end would be imported from Korea, is manufactured by Samsung, a subsidiary of the Renault is already building its own brand. For Europe, the idea is to propose a body of Samsung SM5, especially with a front and a large internal SM7, adds an internal source

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Voi non ci crederete ma quella vetratura laterale ricorda incredibilmente qualcosa che non abbiamo visto perchè cassato :D

"... guarda la libidine sarebbe per il si, ma il pilota dopo il gran premio ha bisogno il suo descanso... e poi è scattata la regola numero due: perlustrazione del pueblo e ricerca de los amigos... ah Ivana, mi raccomando il panta nell'armadio, il pantalone bello diritto. E un po' d'ordine in stanza... see you later!" (Il Dogui, Vacanze di Natale)

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