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il problema è la Lancia in Fiat... se sono loro i primi a non crederci nn ci potrà mai essere un futuro... ovvio che se speri di rilanciare la Lancia con la hpe e con una speciality (la prima auto che si riuscirà a produrre spendendo il meno possibile) il rilancio nn ci sarà mai... se invece si decidessero a trattare sul serio il marchio, iniziando con una 159Lancia una Fulvia come si deve, un Suv e una erede alla thesis(anzi della thema) con relativa coupè vedrai che già tra 5-6 anni il bacino d'utenza del marchio si sarà ampliato decisamente.

leggo nei post precedenti tutte persone sicure che in fiat non vedano l'ora di avere tanti marchi premium per poter ricarrozzare la stessa auto seguendo le varie caratteristiche del brand... Jaguar e Ferrari che si scambiano i motori... Jaguar e Maserati che condividono il pianale per una segmF.... Jaguar e Alfa che condividono il pianale per una segmE.... ma cazzo allora alla fiat la Lancia sta proprio sulle palle, l'unica marca che non può permettersi il lusso di condividere qualcosa di decente se non un derivato della Fiat





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Sources: Ford's PAG brands are on the block

Fiat pursued Jaguar, Land Rover, then broke off talks

TURIN, Italy -- Ford Motor Co. is actively seeking buyers for its European luxury brands.

A possible sale of Jaguar and Land Rover to Fiat was on the table for months, say sources familiar with the talks.

The two automakers recently called off the talks.

Meanwhile, sources say Ford has hired two investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, to pursue the sale of the three Premier Automotive Group brands -- Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo.

BMW reportedly considered acquiring Volvo earlier this year. In March, Ford sold a fourth PAG brand, Aston Martin.

Ford's talks with Fiat started in February and ended late last month. They involved Fiat group CEO Sergio Marchionne and Ford of Europe boss Lewis Booth, who also heads Premier Automotive Group.

Neither Ford nor Fiat would confirm the talks.

"Ford Motor Company is continuing to assess a number of strategic options for all of its operations," said Ford spokesman John Gardiner. "We're not specifying what they are and what we're evaluating."

The sources say Fiat halted discussions with Ford because of concern over the potential adverse effect of the acquisition on the Italian carmaker's credit rating.

In March, Ford sold most of Aston Martin for $956 million to a Kuwaiti holding company and David Richards, the former Benetton and British American Racing chief.

Talks foundered, so Jaguar's XKR Portfolio won't become part of the Fiat fold.

Ford CEO Alan Mulally has said he's keeping Jaguar and Land Rover for now. But that doesn't preclude selling any of the PAG brands. Mulally and Executive Chairman Bill Ford say the company is keeping all options open as it tries to turn around its struggling business. Last year, Ford Motor lost $12.6 billion.

Ford does not disclose results for its individual brands. All together, its PAG lineup lost $327 million before taxes in 2006. But after losing money for three years, PAG may be back in the black in 2007.

In the first quarter, the group reported a pretax profit of $402 million, up from $152 million in the first quarter of 2006.

Blame Jaguar for most of the red ink in past years. Ford sources say the British brand has lost $500 million to $1 billion a year since 2001. Jaguar executives say the unit is likely to lose money in 2007 and 2008 as well.

Ford declined to say if Jaguar was profitable in the first quarter. But the company says that all of the PAG brands improved their financial performance in the quarter, with Land Rover showing the biggest gain.

Increasing global SUV sales inspired Fiat's interest in Land Rover.

"Land Rover is a brand many carmakers would love to add to their portfolios - particularly Fiat group, whose five brands are still almost nonexistent in the growing global SUV market," a Turin source said.

He said Fiat was especially interested in Land Rover's U.S. dealership network. The Italian automaker plans to relaunch its Alfa Romeo brand in the United States in 2009, but Alfa's dealership network plans are uncertain.

"Alfa's sporty sedans, coupes and the Spider could have been a perfect fit in the Land Rover U.S. dealer environment," a supplier source said.

The source said Fiat considered Jaguar mainly for its access to rear-drive platforms and its high-tech V-6 and V-8 engines.


Ford è con l'acqua alla gola e necessità di incassare con la cessione del PAV.

La Volvo potrebbe finire alla BMW, mentre penso che Fiat abbia ancora in serbo qualche carta da giocarsi per Land Rover, che, come dice l'articolo, potrebbe far comodo oltre che per la gamma di SUV complementare ai prodotti Fiat Group anche per la rete vendita negli USA fondamentale per Alfa.

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

Charles Bukowski (Women)


Fiat says no to Ford’s luxury brands

US automaker has hired 2 investment banks to seek buyers for PAG members

TURIN -- Fiat tried to buy Ford Motor’s Jaguar and Land Rover luxury brands, sources familiar with the discussions said.

Fiat’s overture for the two British brands -- and Ford’s apparent willingness to sell -- confirms that the US carmaker remains very interested in finding a buyer for all or part of PAG, which also includes Volvo.

The discussions also underline Fiat’s growing confidence. After years of financial difficulties it is looking for ways to expand its global reach.

Two independent sources said Ford has retained investment bankers to seek buyers for the PAG brands. One of the sources said Ford has hired Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Media reports last week that BMW might buy Volvo were denied by Ford and the German premium carmaker.

Fiat’s decision to end discussions with Ford over Land Rover and Jaguar was triggered by concern over the potential adverse effect on the Italian carmaker’s credit rating.

Fiat’s long-term rating was raised from BB to BB-plus by Standard & Poor’s on May 31. Fiat is a step away from a BBB-minus rating, which would make it investment grade. This would make it easier and cheaper for the company to borrow money.


What are they worth?

Estimated value of the PAG brands

Volvo: $5.7 billion

Land Rover: $2.7 billion

Jaguar: -$947 million

Source: September 2006 report, UBS Securities


Talks between Fiat group CEO Sergio Marchionne and Lewis Booth, who is head of Premier Automotive Group and Ford of Europe chairman, started in February and ended late last month.

When asked for comment, Ford spokesman John Gardiner said: “Ford Motor Co. is continuing to assess a number of strategic options for all of its operations. We’re not specifying what they are and what we’re evaluating.”

Fiat also would not confirm the talks. But people familiar with the discussions said increasing global SUV sales inspired Fiat’s interest in Land Rover.

“Land Rover is a brand many carmakers would love to add to their portfolios, particularly Fiat group, whose five brands are still almost nonexistent in the growing global SUV market,” a source said.

He added that Fiat was particularly interested in Land Rover’s US dealer network. The Italian automaker is planning to relaunch its Alfa Romeo brand in the US in the first half of 2009, but plans for a US dealer network are uncertain.

“Alfa’s sporty sedans, coupes and the Spider could have been a perfect fit in the Land Rover US dealer environment,” a source said.

Fiat considered Jaguar mainly for its access to rear-wheel-drive platforms and its high-tech V-6 and V-8 engines, the source said. Both are needed to boost Alfa’s US potential and to improve economies of scale for Fiat’s Maserati brand.

In March, Ford announced a deal to sell most of former PAG brand Aston Martin, which was valued at £479 million (currently about €705 million).

Ford CEO Alan Mulally has said he’s keeping Jaguar and Land Rover for now. But Mulally and Chairman Bill Ford have stressed that Ford is keeping all options open as it tries to turn around its struggling business. Last year, Ford lost $12.6 billion (currently about €9.4 billion).

Ford è con l'acqua alla gola e necessità di incassare con la cessione del PAV.

La Volvo potrebbe finire alla BMW' date=' mentre penso che Fiat abbia ancora in serbo qualche carta da giocarsi per Land Rover, che, come dice l'articolo, potrebbe far comodo oltre che per la gamma di SUV complementare ai prodotti Fiat Group anche per la rete vendita negli USA che potrebbe far comodo ad Alfa.[/quote']

ad Alfa Romeo dal 2009...ed ad Abarth 5oo pure a partire dal 2010 probabilmente...

Guest Riccardo

The source said Fiat considered Jaguar mainly for its access to rear-drive platforms and its high-tech V-6 and V-8 engines.

Taurus ma i motori Jaguar non facevano schifo???

Da dove e' presa questa???


e' l'articolo di automotive news....comunque quella dei motori e' ridicola..perche in primis i V6 Jaguar sono gli ormai anziani Duratec Ford con variatore di fase di 35 gradi...altro che ultra tecnologici...e perfino la stessa Jag li sostituisce con il 3.2L6 Volvo su XF....poi il V8 che e' nato nel 1997 ha dna Jaguar ma e' stato ampiamente usato in altri marchi di Ford Motor e sopratutto e' decisamente meno tecnologico e compatto del V8 nostrano...

Quello che e' interessante su Jaguar non sono nemeno i pianali...che praticamente sarebbe quello di vecchia mondeo...e l'aggiornato di S Type/LS per XF visto che le vettura con spaceframe in alluminio come XJ o XK non hanno un pianale vero e proprio ma una struttura adattata al modello punto interessante e' che grazie ad XF e il suo sviluppo ci sarebbero pronti dei cambi longitudinali per un Alfa Romeo di seg.E a TP anche per versioni piu umane e non solo per le top(che sarebbero gia' pronti volendo grazie a maserati)...e la tecnologia di spaceframe in alluminio delle XJ/XK che e' molto interessante per i segmenti E & F .


Tutto sto casino per 2 cambi e per mezzo pianale....... naaaaaaa......

Costa molto meno sviluppare tutto all'interno.......

Bisogna guidare straniero per capire il "PIACERE DI GUIDA ITALIANO"

e' l'articolo di automotive news....comunque quella dei motori e' ridicola..perche in primis i V6 Jaguar sono gli ormai anziani Duratec Ford con variatore di fase di 35 gradi...altro che ultra tecnologici...e perfino la stessa Jag li sostituisce con il 3.2L6 Volvo su XF....poi il V8 che e' nato nel 1997 ha dna Jaguar ma e' stato ampiamente usato in altri marchi di Ford Motor e sopratutto e' decisamente meno tecnologico e compatto del V8 nostrano...

Quello che e' interessante su Jaguar non sono nemeno i pianali...che praticamente sarebbe quello di vecchia mondeo...e l'aggiornato di S Type/LS per XF visto che le vettura con spaceframe in alluminio come XJ o XK non hanno un pianale vero e proprio ma una struttura adattata al modello punto interessante e' che grazie ad XF e il suo sviluppo ci sarebbero pronti dei cambi longitudinali per un Alfa Romeo di seg.E a TP anche per versioni piu umane e non solo per le top(che sarebbero gia' pronti volendo grazie a maserati)...e la tecnologia di spaceframe in alluminio che e' molto interessante per i segmenti E & F .

Ma se all'atto pratico anche Jaguar poteva essere utile perchè hanno rinunciato all'acquisizione?

2017 - ALFA ROMEO Giulia 2.2 150cv Super
2012 - RENAULT Megane III Coupè 1.6dci 130cv Gt-Line

2005 - NISSAN Murano 3.5 V6 24V 234cv CVT

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