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Today is a Fiat news day, we’ve heard various rumors (note they are still rumors, until shown to be otherwise!) from the Fiat camp, these are:

Changfeng to make diesel engines for Fiat? Chery have signed a deal with Fiat to supply them with ATECO engines, but we’re not sure if that includes diesel engines though, probably not - which is why Fiat are looking for a diesel engine supplier.

Fiat and Zhong Tai to make cars? Thats what we’ve heard, but we’ve bet you havent heard of Zhong Tai before (unless you’re an avid China Car Times reader, that is) Zhong Tai are the makers of the Diahatsu Terios clone, which is aptly named the ‘Xplosion’ in China. Zhong Tai (known as Zotye in English) will make several models for Fiat, and probably make a few old Fiat models for themselves, putting their own badge on them. We might just see Zotye as a major player in China in the next 5 years if this goes ahead.

Chery is apparently stretched to the limit right now with its own vehicle production and that of Alfa Romeo, and has no further capacity to take on further Fiat production.

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