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In the model year 2008, the BMW 1 Series is extended to include a fascinating body variation. There are three new BMW 1 Series engines which celebrate their premiere in the model year 2008. For the first time in the model year 2008, the new 4-cylinder diesel engine with Variable Twin Turbo is available both for the 5 and 3-door models. The 150 kW/204 bhp power unit gives the BMW 123d a unique status in a number of disciplines. The new model has a particular fascination due to its degree of pulling power, which is unique within its segment, and it also has outstanding fuel consumption levels. The 5-door and 3-door models make do with 5.2 litres of diesel for 100 kilometres in the EU test cycle. The CO2 level of the BMW 123d is 138 g per kilometre. With these figures, the new BMW 123d symbolises the spirit and also the potential of the development strategy BMW EfficientDynamics in a particularly striking manner. Its engine is the world's first all-aluminium diesel power unit to deliver an output of over 100 bhp. At the same time, the BMW 123d is the first large-series vehicle over 200 bhp whose CO2 output is below the 140 g level.


Beh dato che ci sono perchè non mettere direttamente il 3.5..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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si anche la mia 500 sarà pronta euro 5.....peccato che sul foglio di omologazione risulterrà sempre solo euro4...xkè non sono ancora state emanate le omologazioni, ma sono solo stati fissati i limiti....

Anke Mini è Euro5 se non erro

ma nessun auto OGGI è Euro 5 però alcune sono predisoposte gia euro 5,esempio la 5OO o la Laguna III.

Cmq abbiam capito che Bmw è capace nei motori...ora invece dovrebbe assumere dei bravi designer


bmw è sempre al top nei motori c'e poco da fare...giu il cappello

Prenditi cura degli amici, ma ancor piu dei tuoi nemici...


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