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[USA] Volkswagen Routan (Foto Ufficiali a Pag.3)

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Titolo provvisorio fino a quando non si saprà il nome.. sto furgonazzo fortunatamente non è l'erede dello Sharan.. non verrà importato in Europa.. verrà costruito dalla Chrysler, quindi immagiono una JV, sulla base del nuovo Voyager.. questo è quanto!

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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menomale ke da noi nn arriva...

Bè se arriva il nuovo Voyager dagli US... :(


Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

  • 5 mesi fa...
Scoop: 2009 VW Minivan Name Revealed - Routan

Posted by phaeton at 11:59 PM

The 2009 Minivan that is built for the North American market by Chrysler for VW is to be called Routan according to a source from the popular VW Enthusiast site forums.VWvortex, he posted that this information is readily available in th VW Dealer Network computer system.

Where the name Routan come from is a mystery to us here at The VW Gazette, whether it plays on Touran or maybe its a combo of Route and Sedan (Minivan) or maybe its named after Routan Creek in California we just don't know.

Routan if that is indeed the final name of the Chrysler-VW Product will be revealed at the Chicago Auto Show in early February.



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