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Mitsubishi CX Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

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Back at the New York Auto Show in March, Mitsubishi said it would bring its Concept-cX to production in North America. While we still don’t know when exactly it will make its debut here, new reports revealed information on the little SUV as it will appear overseas.

U.K. magazine Autocar reports the vehicle will come standard with an all-wheel drive system when it goes on sale late in 2009 in the United Kingdom. Power will come from Euro 5 emissions compliant diesel engines, with a new 1.8 liter turbocharged four-cylinder chief among them. Good for 134 horsepower and 207lb-ft of torque, the powerplant will be mated to the same type of SST twin-clutch transmission as is offered in the Lancer Evolution X.

“The Concept-cX will become a new sub-Outlander model,” a senior Mitsubishi source told Autocar. Styling will remain similar to the concept car’s, with a split tailgate and aggressive front end likely retained. On the road to production, the cX badge will be replaced by something more in-line to the rest of the automaker’s offerings.


Verrà prodotta :)

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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