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Report: Italy's Fiat bidding for TK Aluminium

Automotive News Europe

July 30, 2007

MILAN (Reuters) -- Fiat has made an offer to buy TK Aluminium, another of its auto parts suppliers in deep financial trouble, the Financial Times reported today.

Fiat may learn as early today if its offer has been accepted, the newspaper said, citing people close to the talks. Failure of TK Aluminium could disrupt car production at the Italian industrial group.

Financial details of a possible deal were not reported. Fiat sold TK Aluminium to U.S. investment group Questor in 2002 in a deal worth 460 million euros ($627.9 million).

A Fiat spokesman was not immediately available to comment.

If the offer is accepted, TK Aluminium would be the third supplier Fiat has taken over or helped to bail out in a year.

Rubber group CF Gomma was recapitalised with strategic help from Fiat, the Financial Times said, citing people close to the companies. Fiat also bought out ITCA, a bodymaker and welder which was in trouble.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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Sarebbe una grande operazione. E' dimostra quanto in Fat siano interessti all'alluminio... ;)

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

Charles Bukowski (Women)

han venduto quando avevano bisogno di liquidi.

ora che ce li hanno vanno in buy-back.

Probabilmente spendendo meno di quanto incassato a suo tempo! ;-)


Non esiste peggior ignorante di quello convinto di sapere...

Probabilmente spendendo meno di quanto incassato a suo tempo! ;-)

se è messa così male, anche se ciò mi lascia un pò perplesso, potrebbe benissimo essere così!


cosa serve a Fiat l'alluminio?

per i motori no di certo

tanto fiat farà il 1.8 turbo e i diesel con la ghisa e un sacco di forumisti dice che "è meglio così" e che

"i motori a basamento in ghisa alleggerita sono meglio di quelli a basamento in Al."


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