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Guest Linda

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With my compliments!

35 punti! 28 per i bambini e 14 per i pedoni.

Front impact

The passenger compartment remained stable during the impact. The driver's knees were well protected by an airbag. Fiat showed that the airbag would also protect larger and smaller occupants and those sat in different seating positions. There were no structures in the dashboard that presented a risk of injury to the passenger's knees and femurs.


In the side impact, the head of the 3 year old dummy was not contained within the child restraint and it contacted the side of the 18 month child's restraint. In the same test, the head of the 18 month was contained but experienced a high head deceleration caused by contact with the side of the restraint. The passenger airbag can be disabled to allow a rearward facing child restraint to be used in that seating position. However, information provided to the driver about the status of the airbag is not clear. The presence of ISOFIX anchorages in the rear outboard seats is not clearly marked.

Pedestrian protection

The front edge of the bonnet scored no points for the protection it offered to pedestrians' legs. The bonnet offered predominantly poor protection to pedestrians' heads.

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