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Bmw M3 CSL (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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Potrebbe essere la CSL...che senso avrebbe sennò provare soluzioni su una vettura appena presentata? A meno che, non sia una camuffatura ad hoc o un mulo su cui stanno testando nuove sospensioni...mah...potrebbe essere tutto allora... che dite?

in garage: MY22 BMW M3 Competition Xdrive G80 + MY22 Jaguar F-Pace SVR


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  • 9 mesi fa...
  • 3 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)

The next generation of the BMW CSL (for Coupe Sport Lightweight) is due to debut for the 2010 model year, along with a freshened up ‘run-of-the-mill’ M3. The new car will follow the CSL’s less is more philosophy and go on a diet that will include deleting some of its creature comforts. Unlike previous CSLs, the new car will feature a bigger power bump to its 4.0-liter V8 as well.

The CSL will be a vehicle for the hardcore, getting rid of its navigation system and radio, along with all weighty speakers and the air conditioning system, as per Germany’s AutoZeitung reports.

To boost the power-to-weight ratio further, the engine is also getting a generous bump in power, expected to make 470 horsepower versus the standard car’s 420, although it’s not known if the freshened M3 will get a bump itself. The V8 seems to be capable of it, as it has already been fettled to make 485hp in the ALMS M3 racecar. The newfound muscle, along with various aerodynamic and suspension tweaks, will grant the car higher performance, including a 186mph top speed and a 0-62mph sprint in under 4.5 seconds.

Carbon fiber will again be found throughout the car, including in the hood, roof, side panels, rear bumper and front spoiler. A slightly less costly and elegant material will be used to line the trunk: cardboard.

Look for the 2010 BMW CSL to make its debut at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show. Pricing is expected to be the equivalent of $143,000, with only 100 units being made.


Na bestia..

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 2 settimane fa...
German car mag Auto-motor-und-sport interviewed Ludwig Willisch from BMW's M GmbH today and he is stating there will be NO M3 CSL as there is no market for it.

He also mentions the same thing for any M3 touring, 1 series "M" and any type of M1 "supercar".

Strangely enough, he does say there WILL be "M" versions of both the X5 and X6..


Chiudiamo? (stesso vale per ---> M1 <--- )

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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