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Press Release :

[h=4]New Model Based on Compact Car Concept[/h]Drivers freely enjoy driving their cars according to their lifestyle, preference, family structure, and various other aspects. Drivers can bring out the potential power of their cars by making best use of their cars' features. At the Paris Motor Show, Daihatsu is introducing a new model, designed after thorough analysis of how families use their cars.

Compact cars have been greatly valued for their ease of handling and excellent economy. Daihatsu, in response to the recent increase in user demand for diversification of compact cars, decided to add some extra elements to these basic performance requirements. Daihatsu's efforts resulted in a new model, named "Materia," that is being presented at the show. The Materia is an originally designed emotional wagon that can be used by families for various purposes. Responsive to the user's sensitivity, the Materia displays its individuality on both casual and official occasions. Your Materia will surely satisfy you as a car owner. What's more, the new wagon will bring you enjoyable times with family and friends when you master the various ways of using its wide interior space.

[h=4]Exterior and Interior[/h]The Materia was developed in accordance with the concept of "refined individuality." With its extra-daring body design, the Materia manifests impressive individuality. The short overhang and ingeniously calculated tyre arrangement give this wagon an image of structural solidity and dynamic stability. The "refined individuality" of this "right out of the box" model is what we've really been trying for.

The individual interior design of the Materia appeals to the user's sensitivity especially the interior roominess, with large arched instrument panel, create a relaxing atmosphere. The Materia is also more functional than any other model of its kind, because of its easy Øto-use operating systems and two-part central instrument panel, which the driver can read with less eye movement.

[h=4]Packaging and Power Unit[/h]The Materia, a compact car with overall length of less than 4 m, has a very short turning circle of 9.8 m (tyres). Its interior design puts it in the top class among its competitors. The front seats, with seat-height adjuster on the driver's side, provide ease and comfort. The rear seats slide 160 mm fore/aft and can be arranged in many ways, from personal use to family use.

The newly developed 1.5 litre engine optimally balances output power and fuel consumption. The engine produces enough power for high speed driving on highways and in urban areas, while providing excellent torque characteristics in the low and medium speed ranges. Consisting of lightweight but highly rigid components, the suspension system has exceptional suspension compliance, for smooth driving, riding comfort and excellent stability.

The Materia employs the Intelligent Catalyst, developed through Daihatsu's unique technology. Catalysts are used to purify the exhaust gas car engines produce. The major components of a vehicle exhaust gas catalyst are precious metals, such as palladium, rhodium and platinum. One of the problems associated with exhaust gas purification via catalyst is that the catalytic action is degraded by the heat of exhaust gas. This is particularly a problem with the compact car, in which a comparatively high-revving engine discharges high Øtemperature exhaust gas, creating extremely severe working conditions for the catalyst. Daihatsu has successfully applied nanotechnology to give a self-regenerating function to the catalyst by implanting palladium, which conventionally loses its catalytic action more quickly than any other catalyst component, into special perovskite ceramic crystals. Intelligent Catalyst is revolutionary in that it maintains a high level of exhaust gas purification performance for a longer period of time, thereby helping protect the environment. Intelligent Catalyst effectively reduces exhaust emissions, while dramatically reducing the consumption of palladium, a valuable natural resource.

[h=4]Advanced Safety Technologies[/h]Materia's collision-safe body design is based on the concept of advanced compatibility between vehicles of different weights. Crash tests of the Materia under the stringent test conditions used in various countries around the world have verified that its body ensures sufficient survival space after a crash, providing a high level of driver and passenger protection. With regard to possible traffic accidents involving pedestrians, the Materia's body comprises a cowl top and bonnet containing impact-absorbing structures, focused on protecting the particularly vulnerable head area of pedestrians. In addition, the Materia is equipped with vehicle stability control (VSC) to enhance safety by controlling the vehicle's movement in all directions during quick turns or on a snowy road.


i gusti non si discutono, per carità...

ma come è spiegabile che nella mia città cominico a vedere certe cose aggirarsi come se nulla fosse?

e, quello che preoccupa, gli avvistamenti cominciano ad essere frequenti.

certo non si passa inosservati.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

"Io non ce l'ho co' te, ma co' quello che te sta vicino e nun te butta de sotto!"

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da me ne ho vista una...DIO CE NE SCAMPI! :mrgreen:


Mi avete fatto venire fino a quassù e mi avete detto...mi avete detto che mi compravate una bomba...arriverò tardi per il pranzo e mia mamma...ahhh...ahhh..e non mi farà mangiare per punizione..aaaaaah che vigliacchi.........nessuno ha una cioccolata??? un croccante???


dovrebbero mettere un naftino sulla copen..altro che smart cabriolet!!


Mi avete fatto venire fino a quassù e mi avete detto...mi avete detto che mi compravate una bomba...arriverò tardi per il pranzo e mia mamma...ahhh...ahhh..e non mi farà mangiare per punizione..aaaaaah che vigliacchi.........nessuno ha una cioccolata??? un croccante???


Non è che magari ti confondi con i nuovi cassonetti della raccolta differenziata? forma e colore son simili....

mia cognata ha preso una Trevis arancione :mrgreen:

Figata, l'auto del Dottor Slump!


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.


Figata, l'auto del Dottor Slump!


mio fratello mi ha detto che se in una rotonda schiaccia forte,la macchina scala (ah, è la trevis automatica) e sgomma violentemente :lol::lol::lol:

altro che Maserati Gittì :lol:

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