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Renault worldwide sales up 11.3% in July-August

FRANKFURT (Reuters) -- French carmaker Renault, banking on a rebound in sluggish sales after it started a product offensive in the past few months, had 11.3 percent more vehicle sales worldwide in July and August, commercial director Patrick Blain told Reuters in an interview today.

Sales in western Europe rose 2.2 percent over the same period compared with a year ago. Blain added that the group expected higher worldwide unit sales in 2007 and that the second half of the year would be better than the first.

"The first two months of the second half of the year are developing in volume as expected, a rise of 15 percent in France in July-August is better than we expected,” Blain said at the IAA in Frankfurt.

He added that a rebound in European sales was not expected until September-October with the wider roll-out of the new Twingo small car and the start of sales of the large Laguna.

"We are finally back in a growth zone, all that makes us confident we can reach our target of higher full year worldwide unit sales," he said.

letto su


Considerando il solo 2,2 % in europa, considerando dove erano arrivate le vendite l'anno scorso e considerando che, al netto del boom Logan, forse il segno più rimane a malapena, direi che è un po' presto per trarre conclusioni e per pensare di essere tornati a galla.

Aspetterei davvero 7-8 mesi di segni positivi per dire che sta risalendo la china.

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