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Looks like the 2010 BMW X1 may not be as adept at driving on snow as BMW would have us believe. Although we're pretty sure the car handles well, it was BMW's misfortune that a test driver lost control of the vehicle, getting stuck in the snow ... with a spy photographer a few meters away.


Even worse is that the BMW engineers needed the aid of a Volkswagen Tiguan to pull it out of the snow drift. For the record, the X1 is expected to cost anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000, or roughly $10,000 to $25,000 more than the Tiguan.

Double whoops.

On the positive side, those are some pretty cool alloys being sported by the test vehicle. These brand new wheels are also new to us, and appear to be different from any other set seen in previous spy pictures. They also differ from those on the X1 concept.

All the spy could say is that the "BMW X1 is not production ready." We just chalk it up to BMW's bad luck. Maybe they can produce a video of the rumored Audi Q3 and Mercedes-Benz BLK suffering the same fate. Or maybe BMW should not have released the video of the X1 drifting on snow after all.

Triple whoops.


Ecco l'articolo di WCF :twisted:

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Che discorsi infantili....

Non è forse possibile che il collaudatore abbia spinto la macchina oltre le sue possibilità???

Certo che le BMW a trazione posteriore sono inguidabili sulla neve (questa settimana ne ho avuto prova a Monaco di Baviera, dove facevo una certa fatica ad andare avanti), ma sulle x-drive ho avuto ottimi riscontri...

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