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Rolls Royce Phantom Coupè (Spy)


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Rolls-Royce Coupé Spied

This may look like a Cabriolet Rolls, but don't be fooled by a bit of tape and some clever handywork. This is Rolls-Royce's upcoming Coupé model, the plans of which were confirmed by BMW Group today. The car is spotted here undergoing testing on German roads wearing British plates and is cleverly disguised to appear to onlookers as the outgoing 'Drophead Coupé'.

The new model mimics the 'Drophead' with its use of rear-hinged doors and the convertible's front fascia, although the coupe model's emphasis will shift towards more powerful driving rather than the Drophead Coupé's focus on cruising. Based largely on the 101EX Concept shown at Geneva earlier this year, for which there were incidentally 'no plans for production', the new Coupé 'suggests tremendous, effortless power', featuring the Phantom's established 6.75-litre V12 engine.

According to Chief Designer Ian Cameron, the 101EX concept car it is based on is "a less formal, streamlined car, more about the individual." And in production, so it will be. A debut at Spring's Geneva Motor Show is most likely. Stay tuned for more details.



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  • 1 mese fa...

Spero che ci sia su tanta tanta cammuffatura.

Altrimenti l'hanno messa tutta per farla molto pesante, senza darle l'originalità dei volumi squadrati della limousine.

Probabile il tetto in acciaio spazzolato, ma non credo che possa slanciare più di tanto un tetto così pesante.

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Oggi sono cavolo, quella piega della nervatura sopra il passaruota anteriore.....è deliziosa :D

In globale, splendida opera (faccio fatica a chiamarla vettura): gran bel "calesse"!

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