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[Tokio MS] Suzuki PIXY + SSC (Foto Ufficiali)


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It wouldn't be the Tokyo Motor Show without one of these extremely Japanese forays into the bizarre, right? All the ingredients are there: single-person trans-pods with pastel interiors, all-caps acronyms, and a geometric, omnidirectional "mothership" to haul them around. This sustainable mobility concept is called PIXY + SSC. PIXY is Suzuki's low-speed, three-wheeled, single-passenger runabout. Two PIXYs can be driven into an SSC (Suzuki Sharing Coach), a hexagonal vehicle that resembles the downtown Miami Metromover or any number of intra-airport people mover systems. Once loaded with two PIXYs, the SSC acts as a car, transporting the pair to another location together. It looks like the lead PIXY operator becomes the driver of the SSC, whose side trim and corner markers are then illuminated in red to denote which end of the symmetrical vehicle is the rear.

[source: Suzuki]


Exhibition summary of 40th Tokyo motor show 2007

Suzuki Sustainable mobility (PIXY + SSC)

Low-speed portable tool "PIXY ([pikushi])" of one person riding, uniting with this tool, it depends on automobile which makes movement as an automobile possible, is based on the sharing system type portable unit "SSC (s s sea)" lightly, it is easy to the person, concept of the new vehicle, " SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY ([sasuteinaburumobiritei]) "is proposed. In 2007 May from the economic industrial ministry it was announced it is put out with the "next generation automobile fuel initiative", it is the portable tool which produces the new city traffic where to also "the greatest in the world it paralleled easy car social" conception, possibility of new personal mobility and the sharing system is proposed.


Worldwide first exhibition

"At the sidewalk and at the interior, the mobility which is easy to the person who makes the coexistence with the person possible " was designated as concept, the low-speed portable tool of one person riding. Be able to operate everyone easily, not only the person who rides the car due to the cooperation with the portable unit "of SSC" and so on, the joy the vehicle bringing to all people is offered.

SSC (Suzuki sharing coach)

Worldwide first exhibition

Low-speed portable tool "PIXY" of one person riding boards, unites & connects and as an automobile possible is light portable unit of automobile which makes movement type. Joint usage (sharing) the portable unit which is done automobile which 2 can place "PIXY" unit "SSC" not only lightly, sport car unit "SSF" and boat unit "SSJ" and so on, in combination with to the scene of life, possibility of new personal mobility and the sharing system which various units are used properly is proposed.



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Quanto mi piace il Salone di Tokyo...!!!

Cmq e' gia' il secondo concept dopo quello Toyota di 2 anni fa'..che propone il mono sedile in ridotte dimensioni....Il terzo...potrebbe essere defintivo..!!

tieni joe....scattata con queste mani al toyota megaweb a odaiba ;):D


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"there's going to be a time when we all will be riding a white box, automatically driven from point A to point B [...] when safety will not be an issue anymore, as well as status as referred to the automotive market [...]"

Il mio prof di Strategic Management 702, gennaio 1998. Lui si lamentava degli acquisti per "status" e "marchio" dei nuovi suv europei (MB M e Bmw X) che non erano alll'altezza perchè non avevano "towing capacity" (capacità di traino) per andare a pesca al lago :D:D:D

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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