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.. Non è che se hai il Maserati puoi posteggiare ovunque..

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...pensa a come hanno "girato particolarmente" al proprietario dopo!!!



Ecco la storia corredata...

Builder flips over parked Maserati

Phil Han, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18/01/07


Crunch time ... Rachel Huljich, the Maserati owner's sister, checks out the damage today. Photo: Lisa Wiltse

A building worker in Elizabeth Bay's exclusive Bilyard Avenue did this morning when he found the dark blue luxury car parked in a construction zone.

But things didn't quite go according to plan.

As the unidentified worker from SMS Construction hoisted the car two metres into the air, it flipped off the forks and crashed on its roof.

Brad Harrison, a plumber who was working at a building when he came out to get some tools, described what happened.

"He picked up the car with his forklift, and then he turned while it was on, and suddenly the car rolled over and fell on its roof.

"It was a large crunch, the car was rocking [while it was on the forklift] the whole time."

A crowd of up to 50 gathered to inspect the damage, which included a smashed roof and windows.

It is unclear if the 1999 3200 GT model can be salvaged.

The owner of the car, Jason Huljich, left for a holiday to South America last week and left the car in the care of his sister, Rachel Huljich, who has just moved into a house on the same street.

Two days ago Ms Huljich moved the car to a construction zone, where parking is not permitted after 7am.

"It is very surprising," a stunned Ms Huljich said.

"He's away for another two weeks in South America, so I haven't decided whether I'll tell him now or when he comes back."

Resident Stephen Gray said workers for SMS Construction had been moving cars in the street with forklifts for some time while they work on a four-storey building.

"They've been doing it for months now," he said. "It's outrageous and just really arrogant."

Inspector Peter Brooks said charges against the man who moved the car were possible.

"Only council and the police have the right to move cars from a street," he said. "We're still contemplating whether or not charges will be laid."

La colpevole è lei, rachel huljich:


(miss Nuova Zelanda)


ma era lei che manovrava il muletto?...:D

Chiedete al rospo che cosa sia la bellezza e vi risponderà che è la femmina del rospo.


Aaaaahhhh........visto la proprietariA spiega tutto!:lol::lol:

Cmq, a volte vorrei anche io un buldozer per spalmare le auto dei badola che non mettono un minimo (ma un minimo, giusto un neurone vecchio e paralitico) di attenzione a dove posteggiano, creando dei casini mostruosi.....


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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