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Hyundai VI (Equus) (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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Codenamed BHL, Hyundai has begun testing of a long-wheel-base luxury sedan based on the upcoming and much anticipated rear-wheel-drive Genesis/i50. Sources are referring to this luxury sedan as the i70, but the name is not yet confirmed.

It's unclear if the car will be marketed as a distinct model from the Genesis/i50 or if it will be sold as a LWB (long-wheel-base) variant. The size of the car is also a bit of a mystery. The Genesis is thought to be the size of a BMW 5-Series or Mercedes E-Class, so it's fair to assume this model will lie somewhere between those dimensions and the BMW 7-Series or Mercedes S-Class.

Sources say it will be offered as a V8 model only and will be even more prestigious than the Genesis. As Hyundai is using Cadillac and Lexus as benchmarks, expect high-tech gizmos, as well as many other luxury amenities. The i70 / BHL should arrive in dealerships about a year after the Genesis, but that’s not all: the BH rear-drive platform may also spawn a Coupe/Cabrio entry for the 2010 model year.


è un'auto differente dalla Genesis/i50 che ci accompagna con i suoi ormai da decadi... , è piu grande e differente anche in zona muso e giroporte.. ancora non si sa niente comunque..

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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ho trovato la discussione giusta per il 5 litri.

userà un nuovo TAU v8 di grossa cilindrata e il nuovo cambio automatico a 8 rapporti

Modificato da simonepietro

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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2010 Hyundai Equus -VI

Hyundai has released the first designer sketches of its next generation super luxury sedan. Codenamed VI, this all-new large sized Hyundai sedan will adopt the Equus name from its predecessor and is expected to hit the South Korean Hyundai showrooms in February 2010.

The new Hyundai flagship model is expected to showcase Hyundais most advanced and sophisticated safety, transmission and engine technologies. Equus will benefit from latest safety equipment that will include goodies such as the second-generation Vehicle Stability Management System (VSM2), a Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) and a Pre-Safety Seatbelt System which on detecting an imminent front-end collision, automatically reels-in the safety belts to maximize the safety of the occupants.

The 2010 Hyundai equus is also believed to be the first Hyundai vehicle to receive an in-house developed 8-speed automatic gearbox. The brand-new Hyundai tranny will be mated to the award-winning 4,6L V8 engine. About six months later, Hyundai also plans to roll-out even more potent engine unit with the displacement of 5,0L and approximately 400+ horsepower. Some rumours also indicate that both engines will also feature a gasoline direct injection technology and cylinder deactivation technology.

The 2010 Hyundai Equus -VI will replace the aging Equus sedan, that hit Korean market in 1998 and was the first Korean-made vehicle to feature gasoline direct engine technology (GDI) and a V8 powerplant. The old Equus sedan was a front-wheel-drive vehicle, while the 2010 Hyundai VI is adopting a new rear-wheel-drive architecture.



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