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Fiat Hellas fa causa a Auto motor und Sport?

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Da un utente greco di Italiaspeed:

Nota bene: ovviamente riporto quanto da lui scritto e non ne garantisco la veridicità:

This story is escalading beyond the national borders of Greece.

Aparently "Auto Moto und Sport" 2 months ago, when they got a car for testing asked FIAT Auto Hellas (Greece) asked for gifts (i.e "money") to write a favourable review. FIAT kicked them out of the office saying take the car and write whatever you think about it.

AMS 2 issues later, wrote a reliability review with Punto, Ypsilon and 159 rating the worst reliability in their segment. The really weird thing was that the magazine had more problematic 159s than actually sold.

The next stage of the AMS offensive was with Bravo "failed brakes". This time they were not too careful either and the pictures were blatantly staged and the photo of the ruined brakes was from a TOYOTA Corolla...

Now, it appears that FIAT has taken legal action against both the Greek AMS and the German mother company of AMS. Apart from spreading false news, the action is for blackmailing too, which is a criminal offense.

FIAT has also video evidence of the blackmailing but it is unknown wheather it can be used in court as they may have not notified AMS that they were being recorded and according to Greek law that is considered invation of privacy and cannot be used as evidence.

Furthermore FIAT has taken the exact same car to EuroNCAP for independent tests...

So, at the moment it appears that not only AMS will pay FIAT a huge amount in compensation, but some people may go to jail too...

I will keep you updated on the story... as it is quite interresting on the practices of German press

Parrebbe che la versione locale di A.M.S abbia fatto un articolo appositamente denigratorio sulla Bravo falsificando anche i risultati del test in seguito ad un rifiuto della filiale greca di Fiat di "comprare" la benevolenza della rivista.

Sarà possibile?

è inutile prendere la vita sul serio, tanto non se ne esce vivi

(Mark Twain)


Beh questo e noto e stranoto... ;)

Se vuoi un bel articolo sulla tua machina, devi "pagare".

Ci sono diversi modi, per esempio, un bel posto per testare l'auto, con trasporto pagato, hotel di lusso, oppure il prestito della macchina per diversi mesi/anni gratuito, etc...

FIAT : Fabbrica Italiana Alta Tecnologia


Congelerei il tutto fintanto che non si trova qualche conferma semi-ufficiale o almeno da qualche testata giornalistica.

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Congelerei il tutto fintanto che non si trova qualche conferma semi-ufficiale o almeno da qualche testata giornalistica.

Altrimenti si rischia di abboccare alle bufale o a fare caccia alle streghe.

O.k. moderatori se volete chiudete pure

è inutile prendere la vita sul serio, tanto non se ne esce vivi

(Mark Twain)

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