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Mazda 2 Sedan (Foto Ufficiali)


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2008 Mazda 2 Sedan in 2007 Guangzhou auto show

Mazda for the 2007 Guangzhou International Motor Show brought Mazda B-class car as the first in the Chinese market, “Mazda2.” The car is a global strategic model, shoulders reached this year in March released a new medium-term plan, “Mazda - Jin” this goal of the heavy responsibility.

Meanwhile, the Mazda2 is Mazda based on the long-term technology development prospects “Zoom-Zoom sustainable Declaration,” the guiding direction for promoting the “driving pleasure and environmental safety performance of harmony and unity”, embody the “evolution of Zoom-Zoom” brand core and the first step. Mazda2 put in the China market is the preliminary plan will be in Japan and Europe this year just driving at the owner of lighthearted fun Mazda2 five hatchback cars, as well as new development of the dynamic and elegant atmosphere full ofsedans, taking the lead in China. Mazda2car in this 2007 Guangzhou International Motor Show in appearance, which is the debut vehicle, Mazda This fully proves that the Chinese market are highly valued.

n this year by the end of October, Mazda and Ford Motor Co. and the partners in China Changan Automobile Group joint venture - Changan Ford Mazda Motors Limited (CFMA) production base in Nanjing has completed the first domestic Mazda2 volume production car the Inauguration Ceremony. Through the Mazda2 in the Chinese market launch, Mazda decided following the existing domestic models - Mazda6 and Mazda3, to the Chinese market launch B-class cars. So far, prepared to participate in the Chinese market has been the main vehicle lineup Preparatory finished.

CFMA Nanjing factory shoulder to the achievement of Mazda in China’s mid-term goal - “2010 Marketing 300000″ - programs, and Mazda raised in the “2010 global sales of 1.6 million” heavy responsibilities. Mazda in the pursuit of driving pleasure and environmental protection, harmonious and safe performance at the same time, China will provide customers with the many “Zoom-Zoom” new product concept.

Achieving “Zoom-Zoom” driving pleasure of four key value   Mazda2 as Mazda’s latest models, the trend is for the young is very sensitive to customers, and to fully consider how to provide an exciting driving experience developed as after. Mazda2 development of the specific objectives of the following four key value.

Key Value 1: embody the “condensed, the soldiers” Design Concept

Key Value 2: the pursuit of excellence has always been the “Zoom-Zoom” master fun

Key value 3: pursuit of higher safety performance

Key value 4: comfortable and convenient space inside Fashion equipment


LenghtxWightxHeight = 4,270×1,695×1,480 mm.

Wheelbase = 2,490 mm.

Wheeltrack front/rear = 1,475/1,465 mm.

Source : translatored from Changan Mazda Press Release.



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Hanno fatto un buon lavoro, ma le proporzioni di partenza sono abbastanza improponibili per il terzo volume. Primo fra tutti, il cuneo era davvero troppo accentuato.

Problema simile alla trasformazione GPunto-Linea.

In definitiva, posteriore riuscito, anteriore che soffre un po' della trasformazione, fiancata un pelo raccapricciante per quanto appare spezzata in due.

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