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The final concept of Chrysler's trio for the 2008 Detroit Auto Show is the Jeep Renegade Concept. We actually find this one the most interesting, both in terms of design and feasibility. The Renegade features all-aluminum construction to keep its weight down, as well as what appears to be a parallel hybrid drivetrain consisting of the same 40-mile lithium-ion battery pack used in the Chrysler ecoVoyager Concept sharing duties with a small-displacement BLUETEC diesel engine. Jeep claims the Renegade would be good for more than 110 miles per gallon, which we think is probably accurate. Hopefully we'll begin seeing fuel economy numbers like that when lithium-ion battery packs become more prevalent, as well as diesel engines for that matter.

The Renegade's design is typical Jeep, focusing on adventure in all weather conditions. The speedster windshield and roll bar add some sportiness to the aesthetics, while the lower-door openings and hosable interior show it's a true Jeep with a trail-busting attitude. The lack of any front overhang and the vertical headlights give the front end an aerodynamic yet rugged look that we think works well Jeep's trademark seven-slot grille.

That's the last of Chrysler's concept trio that we were given a sneak peak of today, though all will be present and accounted for in January at the Detroit Auto Show. We're not sure yet what the company plans to show in terms of production cars, redesigns and refreshes, but when we find out you'll be the first to know.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

  • 1 mese fa...











Modificata rispetto ai disegni iniziali. Non mi piace.

Lato tecnico :

Ha 2 motori elettrici uno su ogni asse che forniscono 268Cv..

Ha anche un 1.5 Diesel Bluetec da 115 cv se non ho capito male.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Tutte le cose originali o interessanti dello schizzo (forma a gianduiotto, muso dalla forma spiovente e raccolta, forma originale di gruppi ottici e paraurti) li hanno bellamente lavati via.

Praticamente sembra la jeep di Acrion-Man. :?


e' sempre il solito problema : render spettacolari che poi sfociano in modelli banali

certe aziende potrebbero fare a meno di prendere nei centri stile della gente che sa disegnare :fatica sprecata :)


Però, se non lo paragoni al render/disegno... è molto interessante come concetto di Dune Buggy del 2010!!

A me me piasce un cassssino (con la S come in Monte Cassino) :D:D:D

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

e' sempre il solito problema : render spettacolari che poi sfociano in modelli banali

certe aziende potrebbero fare a meno di prendere nei centri stile della gente che sa disegnare :fatica sprecata :)

...o potrebbero fra sbattere ì piu gli ingegneri e "superare" i loro vincoli...:D

...o potrebbero fra sbattere ì piu gli ingegneri e "superare" i loro vincoli...:D

penso che , siccome il pesce puzza sempre dalla testa, dipenda di piu' dalla volonta di chi comanda decidere se hanno piu' peso i designer o gli ingegneri.

In alcune aziende deve essere abbastanza frustrante essere creativi

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