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Le 4 future piattoforme VAG


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ma dico cosa interessa che le bentley abbiano piattaforme comuni tra A4, A6... se hanno buone qualità... perche non sfruttarle... sono tutte pippe mentali..ben vengano le piattaforme comuni..

dipende da come viene gestita la cosa.

non creiamo mostri del genere, vedi sotto :-)

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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  • 5 mesi fa...
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problemi, a dopo

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... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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Probabilmente il Testo da dove sono state tratte alcune notizie , vedere i messaggi precedenti, a riguardo della piattaforma MQB

Datato 2007

“We’re creating modular design

systems,” says Dr Ulrich

Hackenberg, Volkswagen’s

executive board member for

development. “Our aim is to

produce more than 10 million cars by 2018 as a group,

with more than six millions comuing from VW brand "

This a ambitious- VW sold 3,7 million cars worldwide

in 2007. Western europe is stagnant, so growth will

have to come from emerging market. The GOLF sells

everywhere bur the firm recognises that it needs

a wider range, with more SUVs, vans aand pickups, while

keeping costs down.

"We need base technologies"says Hackenberg. These have

to be specifically standardies to create chassis

flexible enough for various vehicle concepts with

different hats"

Hackenberg should be good at

this: he was in charge of VW’s

body development division from

1998 to 2002, and held the same

position at Audi. Since 2004, he’s

been responsible for VW Group’s

module strategy.

In future, every VW from the

B-segment Polo to the D-

segment Passat will be based on

the firm’ “modular transverse matrix platform",

wich will underpin 43 group models in the next five years

Audi is already using its own modular longitudinal platform

as the basis for the A5 COUPE,A4 sedan and Q5 crossover

The Golf about to enter its sixth generation,will

always be VW's most important model.It defines Europe

C-segment. " The Golf will always be the centre of our

brand and shows the basis for our modular system and

platform", says Hackenberg.

“After the Golf we'll will bring the technology into

other cars- driver assistance features,start/stop

and brake energy regenaration will be based around the Golf.”

The current Golf has electrically power-assisted

steering (ePAS) enabling Valeo's parking aid system

to be offered in the Touran- drivers controlthe brake and

accelerator only while parallel parking. VW is developing other

functions around ePAS to make vehicles more autonomus,

such as a lane-keeping system that will use self-correcting

steering inputs.

Some competing system only provide haptic warning

when the car leaves the lane.

“The system also gives the

driver information because we’re

not relieving them of any

responsibility – their hands must

stay on the wheel,” says

Hackenberg. “But the car can

steer itself with 3Nm of torque.”

The system could also

compensate when a car on the

autobahn is hit by a side wind.

Fully self-parking vehicles could

follow. Throttles are already by-

wire; brake-by-wire and fully

redundant safety sensors and

software would complete the

system requirements.

Weight reduction is important

too. VW is looking for a mixture

of materials such as high-strength

steels, aluminium, magnesium in

the interior, plastics and maybe

carbon-fibre composites.

A truly modular design strategy

could see magnesium

components such as instrument

panel castings used across every

vehicle in the group. Leveraging

volumes in the millions would

maximise weight savings for

minimum cost.

Body-in-white engineers would

probably want a mix of

aluminium and steel in the

platform for an ideal distribution

of weight and strength. Joining

dissimilar metals at high volumes

isn’t easy, though, and galvanic

corrosion is always a concern.

Platforms will probably remain

welded steel assemblies.

“Some materials you have to

bond but we’re also brazing

aluminium and steel,” says

Hackenberg. “But the joint must

be sealed – you can’t have any

porosity – and that’s a challenge.

We also have to look at different

temperature co-efficients,

especially in the paint shop.”

Brazing probably won’t make it

in the Golf because volumes are

extremely high and brazing

speeds are too slow. It would be

better for joining body panels in

some of the specialist models that

VW has planned.

Better platforms, then, mean

greater uniformity in some areas

while enabling greater

differentiation in the areas that

really matter to consumers.VW

Group gets a wider range of

lighter, lower-emission cars at

reduced cost. Sounds like a plan.

tratto da Automotive Engineer

Modificato da simonepietro

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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  • 6 mesi fa...

motorauthority rivela il nome della nuova piattaforma, più convenzionale, destinata alla famiglia UP e alla discendente della Audi A2 :


... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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