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23 minuti fa, J-Gian scrive:


Come mai quest'impellenza? :D 


Un'ulteriore complicazione.

Gli aerei sono già abbastanza complicati.


Aggiungiamo il peso.


Per cosa? Una irrisoria riduzione di CO2?

I nuovi carburanti, (secondo me) sono la "direzione".



  • 2 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)

New York to Rome is a long flight, clocking in at about eight and a half hours in the air; it would be tempting to nap during the workday-long journey. Both the captain and the first officer at the helm of Rome-bound Ita Airways Flight AZ609 are accused of doing just that at the same time, leaving ground crews on high alert for a possible hijacking.




The first officer was actually approved to sleep, as he was authorized for a controlled rest period due to the length of the flight. The captain, however, was supposed to be at the controls of the airplane and definitely not asleep. While the captain claimed that the loss of contact was due to faulty radio equipment, an inspection of the plane by Ita Airways mechanics yielded absolutely no faults with the Airbus's comms systems. The captain has since reportedly been fired,

Modificato da ISO-8707
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