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Ferrari may be adamantly against the development of a new entry-level model – or so it says - but that hasn’t stopped avid designers from around the world creating their own impressions of what they think a baby Ferrari could look like. This latest design is the creation of Idries Omar, and is a modern day version of the legendary 250 GTO appropriately labelled the F250 Concept.

Omar set out to create a design that was simple, fast, aerodynamic and beautiful, while at the same time integrated styling cues from Ferraris of the past. In keeping with the ‘250’ in its title, the proposed engine for the concept is a mid-mounted 2.5L V6 capable of running on biofuel.

Whether or not Ferrari actually builds the Dino still remains to be seen, but in the meantime enjoy the pics of the stunning F250 Concept.

da motorauthority.

Secondo me è una bella reinterpretazione del design Ferrari, anche se forse un po' troppo in chiave lexus e con qualche dettaglio sballato... però è cattiva!


Realizzazione interessante, ma non col cavallino. Con un culo più squadrato l'avrei chiamata Honda NSX

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


  • 2 settimane fa...

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