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Mugen Civic Type-RR Concept


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This year’s Tokyo Auto Salon has come and gone but with all the coverage of the coinciding Detroit Auto Show many of the modified motors were launched with barely a mention. One car that didn’t fail to get our attention was the Mugen prepped Honda Civic Type-RR Experiment Spec, which also debuted a new 260hp (194kW) 2.2L K20A engine.

The new engine is based on the regular 2.0L Type-R unit but thanks to a stroker kit now displaces 2,157cc. It’s the same basic i-VTEC 2.0L unit, but Honda has reduced friction on the internals and redesigned the camshafts. Other modifications include uprated brakes, shocks and springs and Mugen’s new ‘I-TCMS’ tire monitoring system.

Another area that’s been improved is the gearbox set-up. The standard model’s manual ‘box has been replaced with a six-speed sequential unit, which shifts gears in a blistering 80 milliseconds. The car still retains a clutch but this is only used when launching from a standstill. The car’s body has also been given a major makeover. In addition to the new carbon-fiber front bar, designers stripped out the cabin and replaced the standard seats with figure-hugging buckets.








da motorauthority

Beh figata unica!!! :redd

Auto dedicata dalla Mugen al nostro lucaluca Sonata Artica!!! Luca vedi che bene o male c'è sempre qualcuno che pensa a te... :mrgreen:

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Ah non lo sapevo... thanks

Cmq fa paura!!! E praticamente una "Clubsport" tipo GT3 e Scuderia... forse forse dato il segmento, anche più. Altro che Motorsport e AMG!!!

Non oso immaginare cosa possa costare una modofica dl genere...

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Semplicemente la Type-R vulgaris DOVEVA essere così.... non ci son storie... chissà quante legnate che dà questa alle varie Golf GTI, 130i, Megane R26....

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

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