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Ford: voci su vendita Volvo

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Ford in further talks with Shanghai Auto (SAIC) to sell Volvo

The UK's Sunday Mail is reporting that Ford has returned to Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC) to make another pitch to sell Volvo. As we told you back in June, SAIC is one of the leading contenders to snap up Volvo. Although Ford had long maintained the Swedish automaker was not for sale, it recently admitted it was entertaining offers for the firm. Having paid $6.4 billion for Volvo back in 1999, it is believed that Ford is now seeking around $6 billion for the company. That's a lot of yaun.

Like the rest of the industry, Volvo is struggling in today's market with third-quarter sales down 24 percent. It has cut thousands of jobs and has even sought assistance from the Swedish government. Besides SAIC, Hyundai Motor Co. is still believed to be in the hunt for Volvo, as well as the Swedish government itself, although that seems unlikely.

If SAIC does end up in Chinese hands, it won't be their first experience building Volvos. The Chinese-market-only, long-wheelbase S80L is already being built at the CFMA Chongqing plant in China, but that is a unique partnership for now and it is unclear how the sale of Volvo to SAIC would affect that arrangement.

[source: The Sunday Mail]


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Altro interlocutore Cinese entra in gioco nelle trattative per il possibile acquisto di Volvo.

E' la Changan Automobiles, che ha già una Joint Venture con Ford e produce in Cina la Focus, la Fiesta e la Mondeo.

Per intenderci, la Changan, con il suo ramo produttivo, ovvero la Chongqing, produce in Cina vetture e mezzi pesanti di marchi quali Ford, Suzuki, Mazda ed è uno dei futuri partner cinesi di Fiat.

Report: Ford discusses Volvo sale to China Changan

SHANGHAI (Reuters) -- Ford Motor is in talks to sell its Volvo car business to its China partner Changan Automobile Group, the National Business Daily reported on Tuesday, citing an unnamed source at the Chinese company.

Changan president Xu Liuping held discussions with Ford and Volvo during last month's auto show in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, the newspaper said.

The report did not provide details of the talks, but quoted an unidentified Changan executive as saying there was a chance for a deal. Changan is one of China's six biggest auto groups.

Ford and Changan spokesmen in China could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. The U.S. automaker operates a car venture with Changan's listed arm, Chongqing Changan Automobile which makes mid-sized Focus sedans.

Ford, which owns Volvo, and General Motors Corp, owner of Saab, are trying to sell those units as they seek a multi-billion dollar government bailout.

Industry sources say U.S. auto companies have approached a range of Chinese companies about possible asset sales, but deals would be difficult to reach because of the risks involved as both the U.S. and Chinese auto markets slow sharply.

China's Dongfeng Motor Group Co is monitoring the situation at Detroit's troubled automakers, but a source with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters last week that it was too early to say if it would be interested in buying any assets.

Chery, a Chinese automaker that secured a $1.45 billion loan from Import-Export Bank of China this week, will use the money to improve its product quality rather than buying U.S. auto assets, its chairman Yin Tongyao told the Shanghai Securities News on Monday.

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Chery: Uninterested in Saab, Volvo

Chery, the Chinese automaker that until recently formed a joint-partnership with Detroit automaker Chrysler LLC, has indicated that it is not interested in acquiring any of Detroit’s automotive assets, namely General Motors-owned Saab and Ford-owned Volvo. GM and Ford put Saab and Volvo up for sale last week in a last-resort bid to earn much-needed cash.

Earlier today, state-owned Chinese media outlets reported that Chery’s chairman indicated he was not interested purchasing either of the two Swedish automakers. China’s automakers have been strongly rumored as potential suitors for both brands.

Chery was recently infused with a $1.45 billion bank loan from the China Import-Export Bank. It has said that it will use the loan to improve its product quality rather than try to expand its brand portfolio.

Fellow Chinese automaker Dongfeng is apparently also monitoring Detroit’s situation, but it has not indicated whether it will make a bid for Saab, Volvo or any other asset Detroit is attempting to shed. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and Changan have both expressed interest in Volvo, though it is not known how serious either company is.


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Geely interesada en comprar Volvo

Un nuevo pretendiente para la marca sueca, y una vez más se trata de una compañía china. Desde antes de que Ford pusiera en el mercado su marca sueca hemos oído rumores sobre el interés de Renault, BMW, y SAIC por hacerse con su control. Ahora es Geely la involucrada.

Al parecer, directivos de la marca china ya estuvieron visitando instalaciones de Volvo en Suecia a principios de año, aunque no contarían ahora mismo con el dinero que pide Ford por la marca. En todo caso, comentarios de Alan Mullay sugerirían que estarían dispuestos a vender Volvo por menos dinero del previsto si no quedara otra alternativa.

En todo caso, se presentan dificultades en la operación. Por una parte, SAIC tiene los derechos de producción del S80 en una variante alargada para China, cosa que generaría un conflicto de intereses si es Geely quien acaba comprando Volvo. Por otra, Ford quiere blindar el acuerdo de venta para que el nuevo propietario no pueda usar las plataformas y tecnologías compartidas por Volvo con el resto del grupo Ford. Esto prevendría la aparición de modelos chinos derivados de chasis Ford, por citar un ejemplo. Lo que parece cada vez más claro es que Volvo acabará en manos chinas si nadie lo remedia, y eso no sabemos si es bueno o malo para la marca.


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  • 3 settimane fa...
La Ford ha messo in vendita il marchio svedese ma non riesce

a trovare acquirenti perché sembra difficile ridurre i costi di produzione

Sorpresa: nessuno vuole la Volvo

Dopo Bmw anche Mercedes dice no

Dopo la Bmw anche la Daimler ha rifiutato l'offerta della Ford di acquisire la Volvo. Lo rivela il settimanale Der Spiegel, secondo il quale il presidente dell'azienda di Stoccarda, Dieter Zetsche, dopo un'approfondita valutazione dei costi per il rilevamento della Casa svedese ha dato il definitivo parere negativo.

La Daimler avrebbe dovuto investire ingenti risorse economiche per portare i modelli della Volvo al livello tecnico delle auto Mercedes, cosa che non avrebbe consentito di ridurre i costi di produzione negli impianti svedesi.

La produzione dei motori della Casa di Stoccarda è infatti praticamente identica a quella dei propulsori Ford montati sui modelli della Volvo. I manager di Stoccarda hanno anche constatato che non sarebbero stati realizzabili sensibili risparmi sull'acquisto comune di componenti per Mercedes e Volvo.

Il settimanale di Amburgo scrive che dopo il rifiuto della Daimler, l'unica carta che rimane in mano ai dirigenti della Ford è quella di trovare un acquirente cinese, possibilmente Changan, per rilevare la Casa svedese. Con le 400mila auto prodotte ogni anno Volvo non è infatti in grado di sopravvivere da sola. Per cercare di salvare il marchio, il governo svedese ha già promesso aiuti a breve termine per un ammontare di 2,6 miliardi di euro, parte dei quali sarebbe anche destinata a salvare la Saab, di cui è proprietaria l'americana General Motors.

da la


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come avevo scritto: volvo non la vuole nessuno.

costi alti e prodotti IMHO con poco appeal per il mondo d'oggi. livello tecnico (leggi) basso.


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come avevo scritto: volvo non la vuole nessuno.

costi alti e prodotti IMHO con poco appeal per il mondo d'oggi. livello tecnico (leggi) basso.

Pare che fosse interessato Mr.Ratan da voci di corridoio a Bruxelles.....poi non so se ne farà qualcosa.

Non sarebbe un'ipotesi così azzardata, Volvo-Jag-Land spalmano bene i costi........


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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