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Lancia Delta Facelift (Topic Ufficiale - 2011)

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Thank you for all the links! I also count myself as a "litte bit of an expert", becuase i'm looking for all the information about this car from april 2008!:)

I already seen a lot of colours - grigio, blue, black (at different car dealers in Italia), and I had a test drive with white and perla nadir in Slovenia.

I've seen bordo and I also went to Madrid (i was there on a holliday) to see the rosso borreale - it was not as bright as i expected (very different from alfa)...

So avorio is the only colour i haven't seen..i have a lot of pictures (thank you still!), but it's never the same...

You probably don't know where i could really see it?

  sabba scrive:
Thank you for all the links! I also count myself as a "litte bit of an expert", becuase i'm looking for all the information about this car from april 2008!:)

I already seen a lot of colours - grigio, blue, black (at different car dealers in Italia), and I had a test drive with white and perla nadir in Slovenia.

I've seen bordo and I also went to Madrid (i was there on a holliday) to see the rosso borreale - it was not as bright as i expected (very different from alfa)...

So avorio is the only colour i haven't seen..i have a lot of pictures (thank you still!), but it's never the same...

You probably don't know where i could really see it?

It's difficoult to find cause the car dealer usually order for stock more ''conventional'' colors like blu, gray and black as you saw.

When i ordered mine i did it as ''closed box'', i used saw only the lancia Y avorio, and car dealer told me that was really similar to the delta one.

My suggest is to buy the avrio one, couse it more ''impressive'' than the usual colors. And it's better than white one in my opinion cause it's just a bit dark and it's look ''less dirt''.

Hope to be quite clear with my english :D

  MarkByron scrive:
It's difficoult to find cause the car dealer usually order for stock more ''conventional'' colors like blu, gray and black as you saw.

When i ordered mine i did it as ''closed box'', i used saw only the lancia Y avorio, and car dealer told me that was really similar to the delta one.

My suggest is to buy the avrio one, couse it more ''impressive'' than the usual colors. And it's better than white one in my opinion cause it's just a bit dark and it's look ''less dirt''.

Hope to be quite clear with my english :D

  sabba scrive:

I'm guessing that avorio is more elegant, and bianco is more sporty - am i right? I'm absolutelly going for unconventional and impressive, that's why I like Delta;) but i don't want it to be too elegant - i'll try that, when i'm older...


Buonasera a tutto il forum!!!

Ho ritirato due giorni fa la mia Delta nuova fiammante, mod. ORO 1.4 T-JET 150 CV che ho dotato, tra l'altro, del pacchetto infotainment (Istant Nav+Blue&Me), pagato 1.290 €.

Qualcuno di voi mi sa dire se questo optional mi permette di usufruire dei medesimi servizi (localizzazione veicolo in caso di furto, tracking, ecc.) e agevolazioni sui costi dell'assicurazione già previsti per il Blue&Me Nav?

La convenzione che ho visionato presso la mia assicurazione parla soltanto del Blue&Me Nav e non viene affatto citato l'Istant Nav+Blue&Me.

C'è qualcuno che ha avuto lo stesso problema? Come lo ha risolto?

Ringrazio quanti vorranno aiutarmi.


hi Sabba, i have got a Bianco Zenit/Nero Lava Delta 1.6 Mjet Platino.

You are right, i have seen both colours by myself (before buying), and i choose the white one because it's sporty than the Avorio one.

I am 23 and i want an elegant car, but also a "young" car.

In my opinion, Bianco, Azzurro and Nero (and the lightest grey, Grigio vento) are the Youngest colours ;) all seen by my eyes.

Ivory, Perla and Bordeaux are beautiful, but really elegant.

If you are looking for a wonderful young and sporty Delta, listen to me, White, Black or Azzurro. B-Color of course ;)

i live near Turin and Milan, so, far away from Slovenia and i don't know the dealers near there.

if you want to know something about the colours tell me, i know perfectly all of them ;)


Ciao a tutti! Sono appena iscritto da Modena, e sto guardando per acqiustare la Delta. Bellissima, ma secondo me non facile da vestire come tutte le cose che hanno una classe propria! E quindi la difficoltà maggiore è decidere per il colore da abbinare al nero della parte superiore della platino.

Al momento sono combattuto tra l'avorio e il grigio temporale (l'intermedio)

Qualcuno ha delle foto della platino colore grigio temporale? Mi pare di averne viste poche..... Grazie e saluti a tutti

  skizzo_85 scrive:
hi Sabba, i have got a Bianco Zenit/Nero Lava Delta 1.6 Mjet Platino.

You are right, i have seen both colours by myself (before buying), and i choose the white one because it's sporty than the Avorio one.

I am 23 and i want an elegant car, but also a "young" car.

In my opinion, Bianco, Azzurro and Nero (and the lightest grey, Grigio vento) are the Youngest colours ;) all seen by my eyes.

Ivory, Perla and Bordeaux are beautiful, but really elegant.

If you are looking for a wonderful young and sporty Delta, listen to me, White, Black or Azzurro. B-Color of course ;)

i live near Turin and Milan, so, far away from Slovenia and i don't know the dealers near there.

if you want to know something about the colours tell me, i know perfectly all of them ;)

Lancia Delta 1.6 Platino Selectronic, bicolore bianco Zenith/Nero lava, Pack infoteinment, pack techno, fari allo xeno, cerchi da 17" diamantati, sensori di parcheggio:b1:b9

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