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Alfa Romeo sponsor of Eintracht Frankfurt next season

28 March 2013 6:59 No comments


‘Alfa Romeo’ will be printed on the shirts of the Bundesliga-team Eintracht Frankfurt from next season onwards. It seems to be a clever signal towards the people in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart and Munich; the brand from Milan (Eintracht Frankfurt has the same team colors as AC Milan) will be coming back in the next few years, and every football-enthusiast will notice.

Alfa Romeo signed a contract for three years with one of the most popular teams in Germany. The glorious Italian car manufacturer will be replacing the beer brand which is now still printed on the shirts. Both the football team as well as FGA Germany are very pleased with this deal. FGA Germany-CEO Martin Rada said that Alfa Romeo is looking to the future. No one knows exactly how big this deal was, but it is said that 20 million euros (25,5 million dollars or 16,9 million pounds) over three years should be about right.



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"Oh oh, mi sembLa di aver visto una MX-5 …." (cit)

Mazda has set a new entry in the Guinness Book of World Records during the MAX-5 2013 event in Lelystad, Netherlands by forming the longest parade of driving Mazda vehicles ever, the Japanese automaker announced today.

No less than 683 Mazda MX-5 cars joined the procession on the roads around the RDW Test Centre at Lelystad, shattering the existing record of 459 Mazda vehicles set in Essen, Germany in 2010. According to the Japanese manufacturer, 1,450 participants contributed to the successful record attempt.

The parade was led by a third-generation racing MX-5 model with the Dutch TV presenter Allard Kalff behind the wheel and President and CEO of Mazda Motor Europe Jeff Guyton beside him, who also received the official certificate which was presented by Guinness World Records.

During the event same event, participants also had the opportunity of extensively testing Mazda's new i-ActiveSense technology around the RDW Test Center.

Introduced in 1989, the Mazda MX-5 is getting ready to debut as a fourth-generation model developed in cooperation with Alfa Romeo.

Fonte:Mazda MX-5 Sets New World Record [Photo Gallery]

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